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Despite 'proliferation' claim, anti-LGBT protesters in Bogor admit they have no data
CNN Indonesia - November 9, 2018
The leader of the action and chairperson of the Bogor Anti-LGBT Social Forum, Ustaz [Islamic teacher] Abdul Halim admitted that he does not have exact data on the number of LGBT in Bogor city.
"I don't have any data, right now at this action I don't have any data", said Halim following the protest at the Bogor City Hall in West Java on Friday November 9.
But, he said, based on data that he obtained from the Bogor City AIDS Commission, the high rate of the spread of AIDS is because of gay, transgender and bisexual couples.
"There is a commission on AIDS in Bogor City and they are part of our forum so earlier they gave a presentation", he said.
In relation to the data on the LGBT community meanwhile, Bogor Mayor Bima Arya conceded that the number of LGBT people in the city was the same as in other cities. Unfortunately, Arya was also unable to cite an exact figure.
"All of the cities are pretty much the same, it's just that Bogor is more concerned about it. It's the same as in other cities", said Arya when asked about data on LGBT people in Bogor.
According to CNN Indonesia's observations, the thousands of protesters shouted their demands in front of the Bogor City Hall.
"Let us together urge the Bogor city to draft a Bogor city anti-LGBT raperda [draft by-law]", said Al Mubarok from the Islamic Anshorut Syariah Forum, speaking from atop the command vehicle on Friday November 9. "Allahu Akbar [God is Great]", screamed the protesters.
The demonstrators outside the City Hall continued to shout "God is Great" while they held up flags bearing the tauhid [Islamic creed]. The protest became even more dramatic as rain began pouring down on the Bogor City Hall complex.
But despite the downpour, the action continued with the shouts of God is great becoming even louder.
"We pray that this rain will be a rain of a blessing for God who is great", shouted another speaker from the command vehicle. "Allahuakbar [God is Great]", screamed the protesters as they waved the tauhid flags.
A number of representatives from the anti-LGBT protesters were able to hold a discussion with the municipal government, Polres (district police) and the Bogor City Regional House of Representatives (DPRD).
During the discussion, the Bogor government agreed to eradicate LGBT in the city. Arya said that three agreements were reached between the protesters and the government.
First, that the regional government along with all elements of society, ranging from ulama [Islamic leaders] to religious and social figures, have agreed to eradicate deviant sexual behaviour, online prostitution and kemaksiatan (sin and wickedness).
"Second, we agreed to cooperate with the DPRD in drafting a clear, firm and strong regulation so that LGBT kemaksiatan can be eradicated down to its roots", said Arya.
This regulation, said Arya, will be included in a Bogor City Regional Regulation on Family Resilience which is currently being drafted by his group in cooperation with the Bogor DPRD.
The third point, he continued, is calling on the Ministry of Information and Communication to close down all social media sites and applications which provide space for online prostitution.
"I am instructing [all] sub-district heads, village heads and government office heads to monitor apartments, boarding houses and restaurants so that no kemaksiatan takes place there", he said.
Arya also expressed his thanks to the demonstrators for showing their concern for Bogor City. "God willing [Bogor] will become a pasture of good deeds, may we hope that Allah will unify our thoughts, intentions and behaviour", said Arya.
After the statement was issued by Arya, the protesters disbanded with demonstrators starting to leave the area at around 3.30pm.
[Translated by James Balowski for the Indoleft News Service. The original title of the article was Tuntut Perda Anti-LGBT, Pimpinan Aksi Akui Tak Pegang Data.]
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