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Thousands declare 'war' on LGBT and 'immoral Western culture' in West Sumatra
Detik News - November 5, 2018
The declaration, which was attended by thousands of people, took place at the Race Horse Park in Kubu Gadang, North Payakumbuh sub-district on the morning of Monday November 5.
Most of those present were from the younger generation or from age groups which are venerable to being contaminated by deviant behaviour.
Payakumbuh Mayor Riza Falepi said that following the declaration, all parts of Payakumbuh City will prohibit gambling, alcohol, free sex, LGBT, narcotics and other immoral acts.
"Free sex, gambling, narcotics, alcohol and LGBT are a Western culture which has been imported from overseas by the destroyers of Indonesia's children and grandchildren. This is a hidden attack which assaults the mentality of the nation's children. If their mentality is destroyed young children will no longer have the idealism to build the nation. So this nation's ideals will disappear and the NKRI [Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia] that we love will be destroyed", said Falepi during the declaration.
Falepi claimed that he was ready to lead the war on sin and wickedness. The Payakumbuh municipal government will soon update the Perda [by-law] on Social Illnesses. So in the future, there will be a strong legal bases and regulations to prosecute perpetrators.
"So later those who commit maksiat [immorality, violate God's law] will not just be considered to have committed a tipiring (tindak pidana ringan, misdemeanor) but will be subject to criminal punishments", he said.
Related to this, those who sell, drink and invite others to parties where alcohol is consumed will face criminal prosecution. Similar actions will be taken against perpetrators of free sex and LGBT people.
The declaration, which started at 8am, began with speeches by local Payakumbuh public figures and leaders of social organisations. Following this, the declaration was read out to the crowd.
After the declaration, the public figures signed their names on a 2x5 metre piece of cloth. This represented a public petition rejecting all forms of LGBT, narcotics, free sex, gambling, alcohol and other immoral acts.
After the signing of the agreement, the crowd held a long-march around the city. (rvk/asp)
[Translated by James Balowski for the Indoleft News Service. The original title of the article was Warga Payakumbuh Sumbar Deklarasi Perangi LGBT.]
Source: https://news.detik.com/berita/d-4287946/warga-payakumbuh-sumbar-deklarasi-perangi-lgbt.
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