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The fight for workers' rights in Indonesia

First published in July 1995, this document provides background and information for solidarity activists on the economic and political conditions faced by Indonesian workers and the activities of the Indonesian labour movement.
Fighting together - Indonesians and East Timorese join in struggle
First published in March 1996, this document details the December 7, 1995 embassy occupations in Jakarta by Indonesian and East Timorese activists. It includes previously unreleased press reports, statements and chronologies and interviews with participants produced at the time the actions were being carried out.
The struggle for democracy in Indonesia - Introducing the PRD
First published in November 1996, this document is an introduction to the Indonesian people's struggle against the Indonesian dictatorship and background information on the PRD.
Dita Sari: Jailed for daring to struggle
    First published in December 1997, this is a story of an activist whose courage, tireless struggle and self-sacrifice has won the respect of activists and ordinary Indonesians alike.
No Australian military ties with Indonesia
    Published July 1998, this document examines the history of Australia's military ties with Indonesia and its ongoing support for the regime in the post-Suharto era.

-ASIET Videos

Indonesia in revolt - democracy or death

    Indonesia in revolt - democracy or death was made in Indonesia and Australia between August 1998 and March 1999 in cooperation with activists from the Indonesian political underground, it tells the story of the successful struggle by Indonesian students to get rid of Suharto. It also shows how the struggle for full democracy, social justice and freedom in Indonesia, is not yet over. (Available from 23 April, 1999)
Indonesia: One Struggle One Change
    Indonesia: One Struggle One Change examins how teh current economic crisis has created the greatest opportunity for change Indonesians have seen in years. One Change is a comprehensive 30-minute documentary shot in Indonesia and East Timor in 1997.  The documentary captures the current political climate through the voices of those long silenced.  Pro-democracy advocates, East Timorese, labour organisers, students, and workers speak out about life under the boot of the Indonesian regime.
There is only one word - RESIST!
    There is only one word - RESIST! is a 30 minute documentary which provides a background to the explosive political and social conditions in Indonesia. It examines developments in the pro-democracy movement and includes an exclusive interview with jailed activist Dita Sari, other PRD activists and footage of the July 27, 1996, military attack on the Indonesian Democratic Party headquarters.

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