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Security chief Wiranto says government to combat 'deviant ideologies' on campus
RMOL - May 18, 2017
He is even seeking assistance from rectors to control and disband student organisations that do not agree with the state ideology of Pancasila.
"There are organisations that are not right (tidak beres) on campus and they will be ordered to stop [their activities]", said Wiranto speaking before rectors and academics at the Ministry of Tertiary Education and Technology Research (kemenristek dikti) in South Jakarta on Wednesday May 17.
Wiranto said that the government would restore campuses as centres of national brilliance that are free from negative influences or ideologies that are clearly in conflict with the ideology of Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.
"This is unconditional because our students are the future of the nation, right, and they [should] live as national leaders", said the former commander-in-chief of the Indonesian Armed Forces (ABRI) during the era of the Suharto dictatorship.
Wiranto also hopes that all interested parties on campus can move quickly to combat all ideologies that conflict with the pillars of the nation. According to Wiranto, one of the things that will determine the future face of Indonesia will be the country's campuses.
"So we must be able to build a bulwark on campus so that our campuses can be free of viruses that can cause problems. Tertiary institutions have a very strategic position, the centre of our country is there. The country's future is on these campuses, don't let strange ideologies enter the campuses. Before [our] children are contaminated, let's protect them together", said Wiranto.
[Translated by James Balowski for the Indoleft News Service. The original title of the report was "Wiranto: Ada Organisasi Yang Tak Beres Di Kampus, Berhentikan!".]
Source: http://nusantara.rmol.co/read/2017/05/18/291821/Wiranto:-Ada-Organisasi-Yang-Tak-Beres-Di-Kampus.
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