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End the violence against peaceful protests – escalate resistance against the fuel price hikes
People’s Struggle Front Statement - May 23, 2008
[The following is a slightly abridged translation of a statement by the People’s Struggle Front (FPR) condemning recent acts of violence by police against peaceful protests opposing the Indonesian government’s planned fuel price hikes.]
Greeting of struggle,
The government’s policy to increase fuel prices has been shown to be deeply unpopular, moreover in concrete terms the government’s plan will in fact make the people’s lives even more difficult, further burdening them and triggering other kinds of social problems. Even though the regime of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and Vice President Jusuf Kalla (SBY-JK) will provide direct cash assistance (BLT) of 100,000 rupiah a month to compensate the poor for the price increases, this will not automatically silence the people because they have learnt from experience that the BLT is no more than an effort by the government to deceive them, so that there will be no waves of protest, and to play the people off one against another so that they will not unite.
Waves of protests and mass actions have taken place on a broad scale, not just in Jakarta, but in the regions and villages, where the people have held mass actions to emphatically oppose the fuel price increases. Ironically, these protests in the interests of the people have been met with violence, with shots even being fired to break up demonstrations. In the East Java city of Malang for example, a mass action by the Malang People’s Struggle Front (FPRM) ended in chaos when a protest by workers, farmers, students and other groups was confronted by violence by the police resulting in scores of demonstrators being wounded after they were beaten and kicked by police. Others were arrested and also beaten.
Demonstrators have also been beaten in other part of the country including the West Java city of Bogor, Palu in Central Sulawesi and Makassar in South Sulawesi. Moreover and Jakarta, police even fired on a crowd of students during a demonstration at the House of Representatives by the University of Indonesia Student Executive Council. These actions further add to the long list of fascist like actions by the SBY-Kalla administration. At a time when the people are venting their wrath against the planned fuel price hikes, the SBY-Kalla government responds with violence. These actions by the government will only further convincing the people that the SBY-Kalla government is fundamentally anti-people.
Based on the facts above, the People’s Struggle Front denounces and condemns these acts of violence and shootings and calls for an end to violence by police in any form. The FPR is also demanding that the National Police be held responsible for these acts of violence.
The FPR also calls on all elements of the Indonesian democratic movement and the Indonesian people as a whole to further escalate resistance against the anti-people’s regime, the obstinacy of SBY-Kalla, to enlarge the ranks, to stir up mass actions to counter the SBY-Kalla regime.
The planned fuel price hikes are being greeted with ever widening protests in all corners of the country. The FPR and other organisations are playing an active part in protests in a number of cities around the country:
Medan: The Democratic People’s Action Committee (KARD), the National Students Front (FMN), the Agrarian Reform Movement Alliance (the Agrarian Reform Movement Alliance (AGRA), the KDAS, the Democratic Front (Barsdem), Seruni, the Medan Indonesian National Students Movement (GMNI Medan Raya), the Indonesia People’s Movement (GRI).
Palembang: The Peoples Alliance Against Fuel Price Hikes (ARTK-BBM), the National Students Front (FMN), the Indonesian Forum for the Environment (Walhi), the Legal Aid Foundation (LBH), the Human Rights Assessment, the Research and Development Institute (LP3HAM), Women's Solidarity for Human Rights (SP), the Indonesian Muslim Students Action Front (KAMMI), the Association of Islamic Students (HMI), the Palembang Muhammadiyah University Student Executive Council (BEM UMP), the Indonesian Buskers Union (SPI), PBT, SHI, the Friends of Walhi (Sahabat Walhi), IBB, Earth’s Approval (Restu Bumi).
Jambi: The People’s Burden Assistance Alliance (Aliansi BBM), the National Students Front (FMN), the Jambi University Student Executive Council (BEM Unja), the Indonesian Christian Students Movement (GMKI), the Association of Catholic Students (PMKRI), the Unbari Student Executive Council (BEM Unbari), the Association of Islamic Students (HMI), the Agrarian Reform Movement Alliance (AGRA), Himsar, the Muhammadiyah Students Association (IMM).
Lampung: The People’s Liberation Front (FPR), the National Students Front (FMN), the Agrarian Reform Movement Alliance (AGRA), Seruni, the Indonesian Islamic Students Movement (PMII), the Indonesian Women's Coalition (KPI), the Indonesian Christian Students Movement (GMKI), JPRP, the Association of Catholic Students (PMKRI), KKBI, Up link, Lampung University Hima Communication.
Jakarta: The People’s Struggle Front (FPR), the Association of Independent Trade Unions (GSBI), the Agrarian Reform Movement Alliance (AGRA), the Association of Indonesian Labourers (ATKI), the All Indonesia Workers Organisation (OPSI), the Indonesian Workers Aspiration Trade Union (SB-API), the Cengkareng Labour Forum (FBC), the Eterna Jaya Industries Trade Union (SBK-EJI), KBTI, the Urban Poor Network (JRMK), SEBAJA, the National Students Front (FMN), the Indonesian Christian Students Movement (GMKI), the Association of Catholic Students (PMKRI), the Association of Islamic Students (HMI), the Indonesian Islamic Students Movement (PMII), the Indonesian Buddhist Students Association (Hikmahbudhi), the National Populist Student Movement (GMNK), the Bung Karno University Indonesian National Students Movement (GMNI-UBK), the Bung Karno University Student Movement Centre (CGM-UBK), the Indonesian Christian Youth Generation Movement (GAMKI), the Bekasi Youth League (LPB), the Cengkareng Youth Committee (KPC), FORDASI, CPM, the Indonesia People’s Movement (GRI), the Green Indonesia Union (SHI), Rainbow Current (AP), the Progressive Law Trade Union (SPHP), APR, INDIES, the International NGO Forum on Indonesian Development (INFID), the Institute of Research, Education and Information of Social and Economic Affairs (LP3ES), Migrant Care, the Urban Poor Consortium (UPC), Up link, the Indonesian Legal Aid and Human Rights Association (PBHI).
Bandung: The People’s Awakening Front (FKR) the National Students Front (FMN), the Agrarian Reform Movement Alliance (AGRA), the Indonesian Trade Union Congress Alliance (KASBI), the 1992 All Indonesia Trade Union (SBSI 92), the 1998 Fraternity of Indonesian Muslim Workers (PPMI 98), KBKM, SSBI, the National Farmers Union (STN), the Independent Trade Union (SBM), the Student Democratic Committee (KMD), the Association of Revolutionary Students (HMR), GMP, the Legal Aid Foundation (LBH), Bandung Student Union (KMB), Gempa, Yellow Room (Bilik Kuning), the Politics of the Poor-Indonesian Student League for Democracy (LMND-PRM).
Yogyakarta: The People’s Anti Imperialist Front (FRAI), the National Students Front (FMN), the Agrarian Reform Movement Alliance (AGRA), SBRI, the Independent Trade Union (SBI), Seruni, the Progressive Law Trade Union (SPHP), the Yogyakarta Legal Aid Foundation (LBH Yogyakarta), the Progressive Youth Alliance (AMP), KPY.
Malang: The Malang People’s Struggle Front (FPR Malang), the Indonesian Workers Solidarity Struggle (SPBI), the Indonesian Workers Solidarity Struggle-Malang (SBSI-M), SBDM, the Agrarian Reform Movement Alliance (AGRA), the National Students Front (FMN), the Indonesian Student Secretariat (SMI), the Independence Workers Union (SPM), SMART, FORBAS, the Association of Catholic Students (PMKRI), the Makassar Muhammadiyah University Student Executive Council (BEM UMM), the Agrarian Reform Movement Alliance (AGRA), Tani, Seruni.
Surabaya: The People’s Struggle Front (FPR), the National Students Front (FMN), the Indonesian Islamic Students Movement (PMII), KBB, the Association of Independent Trade Unions (GSBI), Beacon (LM), Forsam.
Jombang: The Jombang People’s Struggle Front (FPR-Jombang), the Agrarian Reform Movement Alliance (AGRA), KKBJ, Seruni, the National Students Front (FMN), the Independence Workers Union (SPM).
Denpasar: The People’s Alliance for Democracy and Human Rights (ARDHAM), the National Students Front (FMN), Frontier, the Indonesian Christian Students Movement (GMKI), the Association of Catholic Students (PMKRI), Semada, Fokermapi, the Indonesian Legal Aid and Human Rights Association (PBHI), the Mataram, the People’s Struggle Front (FPR), the National Students Front (FMN), the Indonesian Islamic Students Movement (PMII), the West Nusa Tenggara Indonesian Buskers Union (SPI-NTB), Stroem, the Peoples Concern Forum (FPM), SPB, SP-Galatama, the Lombok Public Transport Drivers Association (Askum-Lombok).
Pontianak: West Kalimantan People’s Unity (PRKB), the National Students Front (FMN), the Indonesian National Students Movement (GMNI), the Association of Catholic Students (PMKRI), the Muhammadiyah Students Association (IMM), PBK, the Tanjungpura University Student Executive Council (BEM UNTAN), the State College of Islamic Religious Studies Student Executive Council (BEM STAIN), the Tanjungpura University Faculty of Social and Political Science Student Executive Council (BEM FISIP UNTAN), COMRADE, JMKB, Up link LPS AIR, JARI, GEMAWAN.
Makassar: The People’s Awakening Front (FKR), the National Students Front (FMN), the Workers Challenge Alliance (ABM), the Makassar State University Student Executive Council (BEM UNM), the UNISMU Student Executive Council (BEM UNISMU), the Hasanuddin University Student Executive Council (BEM UNHAS), the UNTRI Student Executive Council (BEM UNTRI), the Makassar Islamic University Student Executive Council (BEM UIM), the Satria Student Executive Council (BEM Satria), the Univ Student Executive Council (BEM Univ), the 1945 Mitro Student Executive Council ('45, the BEM Mitro), the Fikom Student Executive Council (BEM Fikom), Formakar, the Indonesian Association of Trade Unions (Aspek), PK-5, the Paulus Indonesian Christian University Student Executive Council (BEM UKIP), the Indonesian Islamic Students Movement (PMII), the Muhammadiyah Students Association (IMM), the Muslim Students Association for Reform (HMI-MPO), the Muhammadiyah Youth Association (IRM), HPN HT, HITMIN, the Political Committee of the Poor (KPRM), the Indonesian National Front for Labour Struggle (FNPBI), the Indonesian Teachers Association (PGRI), TISTM, the Association of Indonesian Hindu Students (KMHDI), the Association of Catholic Students (PMKRI), the Indonesian Poor People’s Union (SRMI), the Indonesian Youth Front for Struggle (FPPI), PERAK, LAPAR.
Palu: The People’s Struggle Front (FPR-Palu), the Agrarian Reform Movement Alliance (AGRA), the National Students Front (FMN), Sapukopa, LP-Matra, ROA, the Central Sulawesi Legal Aid Foundation (LBH Sulteng), the Muslim Students Association for Reform (HMI-MPO), Seruni.
And in Hong Kong: The People’s Struggle Front (FPN), the Hong Kong Association of Indonesian Labourers (ATKI-HK), the Association of Indonesian Migrant Muslims (GAMMI).
Struggle Front
- May 22, the 2008
HB. Daman, the Coordinator
0818 08974078
The People’s Struggle Front (Front Perjuangan Rakyat):
The Association of Independent Trade Unions (GSBI), the Agrarian Reform Movement Alliance (AGRA), the All Indonesia Workers Organisation (OPSI), the Indonesian Workers Aspiration Trade Union (SB-API), the Cengkareng Labour Forum (FBC), the Eterna Jaya Industries Trade Union (SBK-EJI), the Indonesia People’s Movement (GRI), the National Students Front (FMN), the Indonesian Christian Students Movement (GMKI), the Indonesian Buddhist Students Association (Hikmahbudhi), the National Populist Student Movement (GMNK), the Association of Catholic Students (PMKRI), the Bung Karno University Student Movement Centre (CGM-UBK), the Green Indonesia Union (SHI), the Bekasi Youth League (LPB), the Cengkareng Youth Committee (KPC), Rainbow Current (AP), the Indonesian Christian Youth Generation Movement (GAMKI), the National Forum of Young Indonesians (FKPI), the Progressive Law Trade Union (SPHP), the Hong Kong Association of Indonesian Labourers (ATKI-HK), the International NGO Forum on Indonesian Development (INFID), INDIES, the Institute of Research, Education and Information of Social and Economic Affairs (LP3ES), Migrant Care, the Urban Poor Consortium (UPC), Up link, the Indonesian Legal Aid and Human Rights Association (PBHI).
[Slightly abridged translation by James Balowski.]
See also:
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