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The commitments of a people's coalition government
With such a character, the people's democratic coalition must carry out an economic development policy that will open the road to a people's democratic coalition government. This must be implemented through controlling natural resources, and determining an economic program and policy that is free from domination by international monopoly capital and manipulation by domestic monopoly capital.Fully defend people's basic rights; Be genuine representatives of the people from village to national levels; be representatives that are trusted by the people and who will take up and defend the people's interests with full accountability and honesty; Carry out the process of determining policy in an open, democratic and participatory manner; Respect the autonomy of people's political and other organisations, and to cooperate with them in developing people's economics, politics and culture which must be scientific, democratic and pro-people; Be openly accountable to the people through parliament; Build up the defence of the country from external attack by organising the defence potential of the ordinary people and not through a regular armed force separated from the people; Respect fundamental human rights; Respect the Maubere people's right to determine their own future; Oppose any colonialist attitudes that allow political-economic repression and exploitation of the people of Aceh and Papua; abolish the dual-function of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Indonesia (ABRI); put into operation an independent and open system of justice, that abides by international standards, to settle the demands of the people of Indonesia whose rights have been violated.
Politically, there will be freedom for agitation and propaganda to encourage the organisation of people's political organs in all sectors. Only in this way can the democratic coalition government meet the needs of the people and move towards the realisation of the program of the people's democratic coalition.
The role of workers in societyDevelopment of industry and agriculture that will be directed towards achieving better technology and maximum productivity; Development of knowledge and technology that will be directed to improve the capacity of all production so as to better meet the people's needs; Social ownership of enterprises that produce vital and fundamental items and social ownership of the industrial channels that are crucial to the people's economy; To encourage collective organisation among the people to increase the productivity of the people's economy; To support the private sector to make a positive contribution to developing the productive capacity of natural resources; To encourage agrarian reform to create a cooperative and modern system of land ownership and agriculture in the villages.
Economic and ecological equity:Provision of worthwhile employment opportunities for all the people that will meet the needs of workers and society; Just treatment of workers and protection from all exploitative and oppressive work; The right of workers to participate in the development of policies that affect them and society through political organs from the national level through to individual work-units; Land ownership by the tillers, and assistance to improve productivity through increased expertise and technology able to replace labour power.
To prioritise economic development that will meet the needs and interests of workers and society, in a just manner in accordance with basic economic rights and their capacity to work; Those unable to work or who are studying for the social good, as well as children, have the right to adequate economic support; Provision of quality social services that are distributed effectively to the whole society; Responsible utilisation of natural resources that protects them from destruction.
All citizens have the right to freedom of speech, press, organisation and assembly and the right to strike; All citizens have equality before the law, without differentiation on the basis of gender, socio-economic status, ethnic group, religion or political opinion/belief; All citizens have the right to organise and to oppose all oppressive exploitative structures and systems; All citizens should have academic freedom, with all members of the academic community protected by the state, which should foster a climate that guarantees academic freedom; The right of the Maubere people to determine their own future through a referendum under UN supervision; Dialogue should be opened with representatives elected by the people of Aceh and Papua in order to guarantee their rights.
Every citizen has the right to meaningful work (work of value). Nobody may deny this right by discriminating on the basis of gender, socio-economic status, ethnic group, religion, political beliefs or other social grounds. It is the obligation of the state to provide work that meets humanitarian working conditions for all its citizens; Every worker has the right guaranteed by the state to rest periods and free time after work, to paid holiday leave and to extra pay for work performed on public holidays; The state and employers must guarantee workers' rights to receive social benefits to sustain the elderly, people with disabilities and the structurally unemployed, and must provide health services to the people. The state must ensure that employers take responsibility for workers injured or killed, and must provide just compensation; The state must recognise and protect the rights of those who till the land to own it and to gain the produce and benefit from their work. The state must ensure distribution of land to the tillers, access to modern equipment and the right to form agricultural collectives and cooperatives; The state must recognise and protect the priority rights of fisher people to the waters where they find their income. The state must provide assistance to the fisher people to raise their productivity through increasing their skills and access to modern technology, and must protect the utilisation of water resources in an ecologically sustainable manner; All citizens have the right to receive social services and basic needs from the state; Women must have special protection from the state during pregnancy and while looking after children, including maternity leave, immediately before and after giving birth, while raising children, looking after sick children and have access to mother and child shelters; Children must receive appropriate care and be protected from cruelty and economic exploitation. A public child care system must be guaranteed. The state must issue laws and regulations to prevent abuse of children. The state must ensure an adequate program of orphanages and hostels for children in need. A public nutritional and health program must be provided for children; People with disabilities must receive support to enable them to participate in productive activities free from economic burdens; The state must provide medical services with cheap modern technology; The state must provide affordable and modern transport and must limit the times in which private vehicles may be used.
Every citizen has the right to adhere to their own religion or belief, and must be protected by the state from discrimination. There must be separation of religion and state; The state must provide funds for places of worship to stimulate inter-religious tolerance; Women must be protected from all discrimination, violation of their rights and sexual harassment. The state must work to eliminate discrimination and abuse of women's rights; Every citizen has the right to artistic expression. The state must protect and heighten a scientific and democratic people's culture and must encourage artists to develop their works and free themselves from economic exploitation; Every citizen has the right to a clean, healthy and safe environment. Every citizen has the right to enjoy natural beauty. The state must protect the natural environment from destruction. The state must provide public parks and reserves to protect ecological balance; The state must ensure good cultural and social conditions for children. Mass media and educational programs that will encourage critical-scientific, democratic and pro- people values will facilitate such conditions; Provision of public playgrounds for children, a system of childcare and provision of other equipment that will assist children's social and cultural activities; Those who are accused of crimes must undergo a legal process that guarantees the rights of the accused, such as presumption of innocence, an honest trial and a clear statement of charges. Punishment should be directed towards renewing and reintegrating the criminal into society. All cruel and inhumane punishments should be forbidden and eliminated; All citizens have the right to security of their persons and their place of residence. They must be secure from arbitrary detention, extra-legal execution, torture, arbitrary forced labour and other cruel acts; Every citizen has a right to a scientific, democratic and pro- people education, guaranteed by the state from primary to high school level; The rights of indigenous minority groups to develop a scientific and democratic culture without obstructing the development of their own languages or forms of writing, but without the establishment of separate schools; The state must guarantee rehabilitation and employment for drug addicts and prostitutes;
The state must respect and recognise the basic rights of homosexuals and transsexuals.