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May Day rally in Jakarta demands honorary workers be promoted to state civil servants

Sindo News - May 1, 2018

Ari Sandita Murti, Jakarta – The Indonesian People's Labour Confederation (KPRI) is asking for honorary civil servants at all government agencies to be promoted to permanent state civil servants (PSN).

This request was conveyed by KPRI chairperson Rieke Diah Pitaloka in a speech at a May Day action held at the Horse Statue near the National Monument (Monas) in Gambir, Central Jakarta.

"One of our demands [on May Day] 2018 is honorary employees be promoted to PNS, revise the ASN [State Civil Apparatus] Law", said Pitaloka on Tuesday May 1.

Pitaloka said that she wants a representative from the Presidential Palace to meet with labour representatives to they can convey their demands.

"We on this day will ask President Joko Widodo to realise this as quickly as possible and hopefully a representative from the Palace will receive our representatives", she said.

Meanwhile workers who have been swarming into the area around the Horse Statue, Monas, Gambir and Central Jakarta since early morning have begun to move off towards the Presidential Palace carrying flags and wearing T-shirts or the uniforms of their respective trade unions. (whb)

[Translated by James Balowski for the Indoleft News Service. The original title of the article was Aksi May Day 2018, KPRI Minta Pegawai Honorer Dijadikan PNS.]

Source: https://metro.sindonews.com/read/1302179/170/aksi-may-day-2018-kpri-minta-pegawai-honorer-dijadikan-pns-1525162204.

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