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Workers in Padang commemorate May Day by donating blood, relaxation walk
Kumparan News - May 1, 2018
"I think this May Day needs activities that are beneficial to the general public and workers. Because today is a day for workers, so this day is a day that belongs to workers and needs to be filled with entertainment", said Sumbar KSPSI chairperson Arsukman Edi on Tuesday May 1.
Edi said that the blood donations were made at the KSPSI offices while the relaxation walk was held along Padang beach.
Edi said that the wages currently being received by workers in Sumbar are not enough for them to save any money and he hopes that the government will soon evaluate a new wage increase.
"Despite wage increases, it is not yet enough to put a little aside for savings. This needs to be evaluated by the government", said Edi.
Edi added that the wages received by workers need to be set by companies in accordance with the minimum regional wage (UMP). The UMP should be paid to workers who have worked for between zero days and one year while those who have worked for several years should be paid more than the UMP.
"We have already conveyed this to the Sumbar Labour and Transmigration Office so it can then be communicated to companies", he said in conclusion. (Kanadi Warman).
[Translated by James Balowski for the Indoleft News Service. The original title of the article was Buruh di Padang Peringati May Day dengan Donor Darah dan Jalan Santai.]
Source: https://kumparan.com/langkanid/buruh-di-padang-peringati-may-day-dengan-donor-darah-dan-jalan-santai.
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