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Rights body expresses reservations about National Reconciliation Council plan
Detik News - June 8, 2018
"Earlier Bapak [Mr] President asked our opinion on a National Reconciliation Council. Basically Komnas HAM [still] uses as a reference Law Number 26 [2000 on a Human Rights Court] Article 47 which states that the resolution of gross human rights violations can be undertaken by means of forming a Truth and Reconciliation Commission", said Komnas HAM chairperson Ahmad Taufan Damanik at the Presidential Palace in Central Jakarta on Friday June 8.
Taufan explained that [if] the one and only measure undertaken is the formation of a DKN then it will be political policy decision on Widodo's part. Komnas HAM suggested to Widodo that if a DKN is formed then the government must first acknowledge past cases of human rights violations which have yet to be resolved.
"First there must be steps to acknowledge the truth of these gross human rights violations. Then a statement of remorse or an apology in the name of the state to the victims and all of Indonesian society. After that there could be efforts at reconciliation and or rehabilitation of the victims and their families", said Taufan.
Earlier, the government said it would form a DKN with Coordinating Minister for Security, Politics and Legal Affairs Wiranto inviting several national figures to discuss the DKN's mission. The DKN will comprise 17 members.
"Primarily (the DKN's mission) will only go as far as matters which do not go through a judicial process, beyond this process we want to revive a mediation mechanism which will have a cultural, traditional, a harmonious national life approach", said former Constitutional Court (MK) chief justice and Association of Indonesian Muslim Intellectuals (ICMI) general chairperson Jimly Assiddiqie at the Ministry for Security, Politics and Legal Affairs Wiranto (Kemenko Polhukam) offices on Jl Medan Merdeka Barat in Central Jakarta on Tuesday June 5. (dkp/idh)
[Translated by James Balowski for the Indoleft News Service. The original title of the article was Jokowi Minta Masukan Komnas HAM soal Dewan Kerukunan Nasional.]
Source: https://news.detik.com/berita/4059838/jokowi-minta-masukan-komnas-ham-soal-dewan-kerukunan-nasional.
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