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Prabowo camp says despite lack of money, logistics, they have God on their side
Detik News - October 29, 2018
Simanjuntak, who is the chairperson of Pemuda Muhammadiyah – the youth wing of the Islamic mass organisation Muhammadiyah – said that Prabowo and Sandiaga do not have logistical and media capital and are not in power.
"I want to say that the Prabowo-Sandi presidential ticket which is supported by the PKS [the Islamic based Justice and Prosperity Party] doesn't have money. The pair doesn't have any media, and are not in power. But we have militancy and have Allah SWT [Almighty God]", said Simanjuntak during the anniversary of the PKS youth wing on Jl. Tb Simatupang in South Jakarta on Sunday October 28.
He then raised the issue of Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan in the 2017 gubernatorial election. Then, said Simanjuntak, Baswedan defeated incumbent governor Basuki "Ahok" Tjahaja Purnama despite predictions by survey groups that he would win.
"Who would have thought then that Anies Baswedan who was supported by the PKS could win? Yet all the surveys were wrong. All of them said Ahok would win. But we were able to defeat Ahok. What was our capital? Our capital was Allah and militancy", he asserted.
Simanjuntak then reminded PKS cadre of three things, namely the tauhid [the Oneness of God], knowledge and strategy. Simanjuntak said that through these three things, Prabowo and Sandiaga could win the 2019 presidential elections.
"You the youth must have three things. The most genuine possible [belief] in tauhid, the highest level of knowledge and the smartest strategy. With this, God willing, the PKS and Prabowo-Sandi will win the 2019 presidential elections", said Simanjuntak. (tsa/yld)
[Translated by James Balowski for the Indoleft News Service. The original title of the article was Timses: Prabowo-Sandi Modal Militansi dan Allah.]
Source: https://news.detik.com/berita/d-4277271/timses-prabowo-sandi-modal-militansi-dan-allah.
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