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Teachers must instill the knowledge and will to fight for a better future: Australian scholar

Surya Malang - October 3, 2017

Lowokwaru – Australian writer Max Lane packed out a collegial seminar and book dissertation on his new book titled Indonesia is not Present on this Earth of Mankind (Indonesia Tidak Hadir di Bumi Manusia) at the Malang State University (UNM) social science faculty in East Java on Tuesday October 3.

Speaking to UNM lecturers and sociology students, the Gadjah Mada University (UGM) lecturer spoke on the difficulties in having to present a talk to university students who are to graduate and become teachers themselves.

"Indonesia will face many problems in the future, whether it be development, the economy or advancing regional cultures". "In confronting this difficult future, teachers have a heavy burden in educating Indonesia's children", said Lane.

Moreover the nation's history is progressively being forgotten by its own people. "Teachers have a heavy task in providing enlightenment to the younger generation. Included among other things the many interesting Indonesian [literary] works, such as the works of Pramoedya Ananta Toer", said Lane.

The lecture from the Singapore ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute added that the challenge facing Indonesia is to find the correct steps to move forward into the future.

"What has to be taught and deep understanding gained is what Indonesia's origins are, and why Indonesia in 2017 has become like this", he said.

Lane hops that teachers will teach primary through to high-school students with the aim of making them willing and able to fight for and create a better future.

"The Indonesian nation will not be able to play a role in creating a better future if it does not understand what must be changed", he explained.


Dr Max Lane introduced the English-speaking world to the celebrated revolutionary Indonesian author Pramoedya Ananta Toer, who was imprisoned by Suharto for a decade on the Maluku island of Buru, by translating his classic Buru Quartet novels, starting with Bumi Manusia (This Earth of Mankind) in 1980. As a result, Lane, who at the time worked as junior diplomat with the Australian Embassy in Indonesia, was forced to return to Australia in 1981.

Source: http://suryamalang.tribunnews.com/2017/10/03/sejarah-bangsa-terlupakan-guru-memiliki-beban-besar.

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