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Students reject new Yogyakarta airport, call for end to forced evictions
Detik News - December 9, 2017
The action was marred by scuffles between protesters and security personnel and the blockading of the road in front of AP I.
The demonstration began at 10am on Saturday December 9. The protesters took turns in giving speeches opposing the construction of the New Yogyakarta International Airport (NYIA) in Kulon Progo regency.
Although the demonstration initially proceeded without incident, it was suddenly marred by a scuffle between the protesters and AP I Yogyakarta security personnel. As a result, the front gate to the AP I offices was damaged.
The demonstrators then blockaded the road in the direction of Solo-Yogya. Not surprisingly, there was a long traffic jam on the length of road alongside the Adisutjipto International Airport which is located not far from the demonstration.
As of going to print, the demonstrators were still blockading the road and giving speeches in the middle of the street.
The blockade is located in front of the PT AP I office on Jl. Raya Solo Km 9. As a result the flow of traffic from the east towards Yogyakarta city was brought to a standstill.
Security personnel from AP I, the police and the TNI (Indonesian military) could be seen guarding the rally.
"We are protesting in solidarity with the residents of Temon sub-district, Kulon Progo, who are being impacted on by the airport project. Reject the NYIA project and stop the forced eviction of Kulon Progo residents", said action coordinator. (sip/sip)
[Translated by James Balowski for the Indoleft News Service. The original title of the article was Demo Tolak Bandara Kulon Progo, Mahasiswa Orasi dan Blokir Jalan.]
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