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Security chief warns of terrorists infiltrating social organisations, government institutions

Detik News - July 18, 2017

Edward Febriyatri Kusuma, Jakarta – Coordinating Minister for Politics, Security and Legal Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Wiranto has warned that terrorists could infiltrate various institutions including social organisations (ormas) and government bodies.

The terrorists then manipulate public opinion through the foundation or institution they have infiltrated.

"I say that these terrorists are using any and all methods. They can enter an ormas, they can enter a government institution, why not? Because they brainwash [people]. They manipulate opinion", said Wiranto after attending the 7th anniversary of the National Anti-Terror Agency (BNPT) in Sentul, Bogor, on Monday July 17.

According to Wiranto, in a digitally connected world, terrorists also use sophisticated technology to spread ideas and ideologies through the virtual world.

"Moreover with cyber technology, internet technology, they can brain wash [people] with the ideology of terror, deviant ideologies, particularly teenagers. They can use cyber technology to make a bomb, teach how to radicalise [people], that's what they're doing", he explained.

Wiranto is calling on the public not to be complacent about terrorist radicalism and is asking the public to be vigilant and on guard.

"So don't think that they haven't infiltrated social organisations, they can. So be vigilant, we have 344 thousand or 344,399 social organisations to be precise. They must be closely monitored, don't let them be taken over by these ideas", he said.

Wiranto believes that it is the government's duty to protect society and that legal action can be taken within democracy.

"So it's still democratic, because [we] still follow the law. If [we] didn't follow the law, yeah okay, it would be easiest just to arrest [them], there are signs, just arrest [them]. But later we'll be accused", he said in conclusion. (edo/rna)

[Translated by James Balowski for the Indoleft News Service. The original title of the article was Menko Polhukam: Teroris Bisa Masuk ke Ormas dan Lembaga Pemerintah.]

Source: https://news.detik.com/berita/3563614/menko-polhukam-teroris-bisa-masuk-ke-ormas-dan-lembaga-pemerintah.

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