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Jokowi wants new G30S-PKI film made so millennials can 'understand dangers of communism'
Detik News - September 18, 2017
The president hopes however that a new film can be made to accommodate the character of the millennial generation.
"For millennial children of course a new film should be made that they can indeed get into", said Widodo at the Mangunsuko village in Dukun, Magelang, Central Java on Monday September 18.
"So they understand the dangers of communism. So they also know about the PKI", he said.
The TNI's plan to hold joint screenings of the G30S/PKI has generated a polemic. There are those that are of the view that it should be abandoned because the film is ridden with political interests. However there are those also that agree with the plan.
TNI commander-in-chief General Gatot Nurmantyo says that the plan to hold joint screenings of the controversial film were indeed on his orders.
"Yes it was indeed my order, what of it? Only the government can prohibit me", said Nurmantyo following a devotional visit to the grave of Indonesia's founding President Sukarno in Bendogerit, Blitar, on Monday.
Nurmantyo said that that Home Affairs Minister Tjahjo Kumolo has given him his blessing for the screenings and he has ordered all TNI members to watch the film produced by the New Order regime of former president Suharto.
When asked about the content of the film which is still the subject of a polemic, Nurmantyo said that the film is an attempt to straighten out history. (tor/tor)
[Translated by James Balowski for the Indoleft News Service. The original title of the article was Jokowi Minta Dibuat Film G30S/PKI untuk Milenial.]
Source: https://news.detik.com/berita/d-3648172/jokowi-minta-dibuat-film-g30spki-untuk-milenial.
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