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Islamic student leader says Yudhoyono, Prabowo paid them 12 billion to riot on November 4

Berita Teratas - November 11, 2016

Political and intelligence observer Boni Hargens claims there was a flow of funds for the protest action in Jakarta last week that originated from the proceeds of corruption during former President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's (SBY) two terms in office.

He is calling the police and the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK) to investigate the flow of funds behind the demonstrations against Jakarta Governor Basuki "Ahok" Tjahaja Purnama on November 4.

"The movement was huge. Once again please investigate whether there were funds accumulated from corruption in relation to funds for the mobilisation. The demonstrations it is said will continue until Lebaran Kuda [until the cows come home] as said by SBY", said Boni following a discussion in Jakarta on Friday November 11 titled "Who were the Actors Behind the 411 Movement".

In addition to claiming that the funds for the November 4 demonstration came from the proceeds of corruption during Yudhoyono's presidency, Boni also called on Yudhoyono to be held accountable for his statement that the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) had not provided accurate data.

According to Boni, if there were intelligence errors, then they were errors derived from intelligence analysis when Yudhoyono was in power. "Throughout his 10 years in power there was intervention in BIN, so if there were errors then it was 10 years of intelligence errors", he said.

In recent days another issue has been circulating concerning one of the Islamic Student Association (HMI) activists arrested on November 4, fifth semester sociology student Ismail Ibrahim (23), who was caught on camera attacking police with a sharpened bamboo stick.

Following his arrest, HMI Secretary General Ami Jaya [who was also arrested] made a very surprising outburst in relation to the November 4 protests.

"Initially we were paid 500,000 rupiah to take part in the demonstrations. People from SBY and [Gerindra Party patron] Prabowo [Subianto] said they would pay us 2 billion if there was a riot. Initially we refused but they guaranteed the security of our members and that it would be kept secret", said Jaya.

Jaya explained that he had originally asked that his arrested members be released. But because there was no response from Pak SBY he plucked up the courage to reveal everything about the masterminds behind the riots.

Jaya also corroborated the remarks by President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo that there were "political actors" behind the riots saying that the actors behind all of it were Yudhoyono and Prabowo.

Jaya also called on Jakarta residents not to be provoked by ugly issues about Ahok because the entire affair is a maneuver by other candidates to ensure that Ahok fails to take part in the upcoming Jakarta gubernatorial elections. (vr)


Lebaran Kuda – Only days after President Widodo posed for awkward photos on horseback alongside his former presidential rival Prabowo Subianto in a measure apparently intended to ease tensions in the lead up to the November 4 protests, Yudhoyono told reporters at a press conference that if the government doesn't listen to the aspirations of people protesting against Ahok there will be demonstrations until Lebaran Kuda. The phrase, literally meaning "the holy day of Eid for Horses", which was a play on the idiom Lebaran Monyet meaning "when hell freezes over", sent Netizens into hysterics and propelled Lebaran Kuda and Pak SBY into trending topics on Twitter.

[Translated by James Balowski for the Indoleft News Service. The original title of the report was Orang Ini Beberkan Demo 4 November Dibiayai Uang Korupsi SBY.]

Source: http://www.beritateratas.com/2016/11/orang-ini-beberkan-demo-4-november.html.

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