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FPI meets with Jakarta military commander to discuss PKI communist threat
Peka News - August 14, 2015
Also present at the meeting was the Jakarta Military Command Chief of Staff (Kasdam), the Chief of Territorial Affairs (Kaster) and the Information Centre Director (Kapuspen).
The meeting began with greetings and exchanges of mutual respect by Sutomo, which was followed by greetings from the head of the FPI delegation (KH. Syeikh Misbahul anam Attijani) who essentially conveyed greetings from the great leader of the FPI and expressed his thanks and appreciation for the positive welcome and response. He also introduced the other FPI delegation members and explained the reason for their visit.
H Munarman SH then explained the goals of the FPI delegation and outlined the facts and data pertaining to indications of the rise of the PKI.
The response from Pangdam Jaya Major General Agus Sutomo:
1. That he was pleased and felt it necessary to maintain friendly ties with the FPI to cooperate in safeguarding the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) and to build the nation.This is bearing in mind that communism in Indonesia is of one soul with the liberal movement so that the ideas of the communist movement is spreading through film showings, books and seminars, and has even been able to bring together 1,200 village heads who gathered at the National Monument in Jakarta not long ago.2. The enemies of the Indonesian nation, particularly the enemies of Islam, have infiltrated key sectors of life.
3. That he is proud of the FPI for its bravery and because of this they must become the advance guard in safeguarding the nation, particularly from the dangers of communism and guarding the integrity of the NKRI.
4. That the FPI should change its "casing" (appearance, image) with one that is humanitarian and strategic.
Sutomo was also in strong agreement that the film "The September 30 PKI Rebellion" be re-shown on TVRI (state television) and that the FPI also show and distribute the film to young children in their homes, at schools, campuses and Koranic recital groups (Sutomo also gave them a VCD of the film).
Other members of the delegation such as Habib Muhsin Ahmad Alatas and KH Awiet Masyhuri gave input and made suggestions.
The meeting ended with the head of the FPI delegation handing over facts and data as evidence [of the PKI's rise] to Sutomo followed by evening prayers (Maghrib) led by Islamic Community Forum (FUI) secretary general KH. Muhammad Alkhatthath.
[Translated by James Balowski for the Indoleft News Service. The original title of the report was Hadang Kebangkitan PKI di Indonesia Raya, FPI dan TNI Sepakat Kerjasama.]
Source: http://pekanews.com/2015/08/hadang-kebangkitan-pki-di-indonesia-raya-fpi-dan-tni-sepakat-kerjasama/.
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