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Mass organisations ready to expel OPM student separatists from Yogyakarta
Okezone - December 1, 2015
The formation of the FJAS reflects the unease of Yogyakarta residents about the activities of rogue Papuan students in Yogyakarta who are believed to be involved in OPM separatist movement activities.
"We reject all forms of protest by OPM separatists in Yogyakarta", said action coordinator Muhammad Suhud on Tuesday December 1.
Suhud said that because Yogyakarta is a student city it is not surprising that many students from Papua are studying in Yogyakarta. His group however opposes this if the arrival of Papuan high school and university students in fact gives birth to a separatist movement.
The FJAS is made up of, among others, the Paksi Katon [a group which sees itself as a guardian of Javanese culture and the Yogyakarta sultanate], the Indonesian Anti-Communist Front (FAKI), the Religious Community Brotherhood Forum (FKUB), the Jogja Discussion Forum (FJR), Banser [the Islamic mass organisation Nahdlatul Ulama's paramilitary youth wing], the Anshor Youth Movement [Nahdlatul Ulama's youth wing], the Pareanom Community, the Islamic Youth Movement (GPI), the Pancasila Youth (PP), the Muhammadiyah Youth and the martial arts group Pagar Nusantara.
"I invite all residents who care about and want to safeguard Yogyakarta from the OPM separatist movement", Suhud said.
Suhud urged both the Yogyakarta provincial government as well as the Yogyakarta provincial police to take firm action against the OPM separatist movement in Yogyakarta.
He also called for the Papuan student hostel on Jl. Kusumanegara in Kemasan to be closed because it is causing social unrest and is suspected of being the headquarters of the OPM separatist movement in Yogyakarta. (fds)
[Translated by James Balowski for the Indoleft News Service. The original title of the report was Ormas Siap Usir Mahasiswa Papua yang Terlibat OPM di Yogyakarta.]
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