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These are the 10 worker demands for May Day 2014
Kompas - May 1, 2014
During the actions, the workers will convey 10 demands to employers and the government. Confederation of Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPI) president Said Iqbal said that the 10 demands that will be conveyed by workers are related to problems of workers' welfare and outsourcing.
The 10 demands are as follows:
1. Increase the 2015 minimum wage by 30 percent and revise the reasonable living cost index (KHL) to include 84 items;In Jakarta, the workers' demands will be read out at a rally in front of the State Palace. In other regions meanwhile, the demands will be conveyed in front of respective governor's offices. "After we gather at the HI [Hotel Indonesia] traffic circle protesters will march to the State Palace and present speeches with the Indonesian workers' 10 demands", said Iqbal in a press release received by Kompas on Thursday May 1.
2. No exceptions on payment of the minimum wage;
3. Implement obligatory pension guarantees for workers by July 2015;
4. Implement universal healthcare guarantees by revoking Health Ministry Regulation Number 69/2013 on tariffs, replace the Indonesia-Case Based Groups (INA-CBG's) with a Fee for Service, audit the Social Security Management Agency (BPJS) healthcare and work insurance fund;
5. Abolish outsourcing, particularly outsourcing in state-owned enterprises (BUMN) and promote all outsourcing workers to permanent employees;
6. Enact the draft law on Domestic Workers (PRT) and revise Migrant Worker (TKI) Protection Law Number 39/2004;
7. Revoke the Mass Organisation Law (UU Ormas) and replace it with the Draft Law on Association;
8. Promote honorary civil servants and teaches to become permanent state civil servants (PNS) and provide a 1 million rupiah per person per month from the state budget for honorary teachers.
9. Provide affordable public transport and housing for workers;
10. Implement a 12 year compulsory education program and scholarships for workers' children up until tertiary education level.
Iqbal explained that the action will start at 10am and end at 7pm. In addition to the HI and the State Place, other locations that will be used for rallies will be the Jakarta governor's office and the Bung Karno Sports Stadium.
According to Iqbal, around 100,000 workers from Greater Jakarta will take part in the actions. In other provinces meanwhile, an estimated 500,000 workers will take part.
"Later, aside from the 100,000 workers, the May Day events will also be attended by 10,000 honorary teachers and honorary employees throughout Indonesia along with hundreds of student representatives", added Iqbal.
Source: http://nasional.kompas.com/read/2014/05/01/0823038/Ini.Sepuluh.Tuntutan.Buruh.pada.May.Day.2014.
[Translated by James Balowski for the Indoleft News Service.]
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