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KNPB calls on West Papuan people to boycott Indonesian elections

Tabloid JUBI - March 21, 2014

Arnold Belau, Jayapura – The West Papua National Committee (KNPB) is calling on all West Papuan people from Sorong to Samarai to boycott both the legislative and presidential elections that will be held on April 9 and July 9.

KNPB spokesperson Bazoka Logo said that Indonesian democracy only hypnotises the West Papuan people through each regional and national election.

"Democracy ala Indonesian neo-colonialism has been hypnotising the West Papuan people for 50 years in each and every general election. But this effort will never succeed in guaranteeing the West Papuan people's political freedom to determine their own future", Logo told journalists at Expo in Waena on Friday afternoon March 21.

According to Logo, the aim of the Indonesian festival of democracy in Papua is very clear: first to strengthen the agents of colonialism, second to strengthen the Indonesian colonial system and third to strengthen the hegemony of Indonesian neo-colonialism.

Logo also said that the colonial democratic system has cause the Papuan people's way of life to fall apart and created a discriminative social order.

"Because of this therefore, the KNPB is calling on all West Papuan people to boycott the legislative and presidential elections for as long as West Papua's political status remains unresolved", he asserted.

According to Logo, West Papua's political status must be resolved through an international mechanism, namely a referendum; whether or not the Papuan people wish to remain part of Indonesia or wish to manage themselves.

Not long ago meanwhile, the chairperson of the West Papua National Parliament (PNWP), Buchtar Tabuni also called on the West Papuan people not to take part in the festival of democracy or great people's festival that is held every five years in Indonesia. (Jubi/Arnold Belau)

[Translated by James Balowski for the Indoleft News Service.]

Source: http://tabloidjubi.com/2014/03/21/knpb-serukan-boikot-pemilu-2014/.

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