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Workers say October national strike will 'paralyze Indonesian economy'

Sayangi.com - October 23, 2013

Sulistiyono, Jakarta – Labour Movement National Committee (KNGB) member Said Iqbal has confirmed that a national strike will be held in late October and will be joined by millions of workers and include, among other things, demands for the abolition of outsourcing.

"Three million workers will take part in the national strike. The action is evidence that workers are not playing around and will struggle for their three demands", said Iqbal in Jakarta on Wednesday.

Iqbal added that the three demands are for decent wages, social security and the abolition of contract labour or outsourcing. "The government has not responded to dialogue despite the actions that have been carried out by workers", he said.

Moreover the government is insisting on limiting minimum wage increases to no more than 20 percent and Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has issued Presidential Instruction (Inpres) Number 9/2013 on minimum wages.

"Three million workers will paralyze the Indonesian economy by halting production, paralyzing air and seaports, as well as centres of business and trade in Jakarta and the regions", he explained.

The national strike will take place over five consecutive days and be held simultaneously in 20 provinces and 200 regencies and municipalities. It will be joined by a number of labour organisations including the Confederation of Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPI), the Joint Labour Secretariat (Sekber), the National Solidarity Committee (KSN), the Association of Independent Trade Unions (GSBI), the Metal, Electronics and Machinery-All Indonesia Trade Union (SPSI-LEM), the 1992 All Indonesia Workers Union (SPSI 92), the All Indonesia Workers Union Vanguard Front (Bapor SPSI) and the Indonesian Metal Trade Workers Federation (FSPMI). (sls/ant)


Presidential Instruction (Inpres) Number 9/2013 on minimum wages was signed by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on September 27. The instruction places a cap on minimum wages  increases for labor intensive industries based on the basic cost of living (KHL), economic growth and the labour productivity.

[3 Juta Buruh Ancam Mogok Nasional - Sayangi.com. Rabu, 23 Oktober 2013. Translated by James Balowski for the Indoleft News Service.]

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