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Solidarity action in Jakarta condemns arrest of Malaysian socialists
Detik.com - July 1, 2011
The arrested PSM members were arrested under Section 122 of Malaysia's anti-democratic Penal Code on waging war against the monarchy by reviving the ideology of communism.
"The arrest of the PSM activists demonstrates that Malaysia is totally undemocratic. This is a solidarity action for all activists that are fighting for democracy in Malaysia", said Sultoni, one of the action coordinators from the Indonesian Trade Union Congress Alliance (KASBI) in front of the Malaysian Embassy on Friday July 1.
The demonstrators also believe that the arrests were accompanied by harassment and intimidation, saying that the arrested PSM members were prevented from being visited by their families, were not allowed access to clean drinking water and are being held under deplorable conditions.
"Our demands are clear. Stop the harassment and the violation of the freedom of expression. Release the PSM activists unconditionally right now", said the group.
During the action the demonstrators unfurled a banner and several posters calling for the release of their comrades. The protest action also created traffic congestion on Jl. Rasuna Said as it took up one lane of the road. Because the Malaysian embassy is located on the intersection of Jl. Satrio, it held up the flow of traffic from the direction of the ITC Ambassador Mall.
As of 10.30am the action was still continuing watched over by police. "Stop repressing democratic of Malaysian people", said one of the posters carried by a demonstrator. (Ari/rdf)
[Translated by James Balowski.]
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