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Indonesian women wear Islamic head covering but show curves, so jilbab becomes jilboob
Sydney Morning Herald - September 27, 2014
The popularity of what Indonesians call the "jilbab" – an open-faced scarf – however, does not necessarily mean universal piousness. Exhibit A: the "jilboob".
In a country where the cheeky subversion of the rules is a national pastime, young women are happily pairing the modest covering of hair with skin-tight shirts revealing proudly popping breasts.
Predictably, in a country dubbed the social media capital of the world tribute sites were quick to follow. Twitter accounts @jilboober and @jilboobmontok (buxom jilboob) exist as photographic tributes to the phenomenon. Each has 20,000 followers.
Facebook hosts a community group called simply Jilboob [contains some graphic images]. There enthusiasts make fun of the Islamic imprecation that women must obscure their aurat, or sexual body parts, to make it to heaven, clearly believing that connoisseurs of the jilboob are already there.
The reaction from Islamic authorities was swift. The Indonesian Ulema Council, the peak religious body advising the national government, issued a fatwa, or ruling, in August forbidding the use of clothing showing, ahem, curves.
"The MUI fatwa on pornography includes a prohibition on showing the forms of the body. MUI expressly forbids the wearing of slinky hijabs," said vice-chairman of the MUI, K H Ma'ruf Amin, avoiding the use of the word "breast" entirely.
A former Suharto era women's minister, Professor Tutty Alawiyah – who has no objection to Christian Papuan children being converted to Islam and then being beaten in the schools she runs – said the wearing of tight clothes would "tarnish the hijab" the wearing of which, otherwise, was "noble behaviour".
But on the streets and in the glitzy malls of Jakarta, the fatwa and Professor Tutty's tut-tutting have made little difference – the ascent of the jilboob carries on.
"I am fully aware of my femininity and sometimes it's nice to show... that I look good in the clothes that I wear," says Jakarta-based photographer Eka Nickmatulhuda.
Shesays she knows she is bending the rule of Islamic law, which is "quite strict", and sometimes she is self-conscious at the stares of both younger men and more judgmental conservatives. She will wear looser garments when she gets older and settles down, but for now: "Most women are narcissistic, they are aware of what they have, and they want to show it."
Indonesia has long had an ambivalent attitude to the veil. Secular dictator Suharto banned it in schools in 1982 as he worried about the power of political Islam. (It made a comeback a decade later as he tried to co-opt political Islam to bolster his fading popularity).
In the post-Suharto era, the social pressure to make public displays of religious conformity, such as wearing the jilbab, has grown. Even the Indonesian police force is now close to choosing for the first time a jilbab to complement the women's uniform.
But the jilbab is no drab garment. Indonesia aspires to be an Islamic fashion tourism destination, and jilbabs are often brightly coloured and highly decorative. Women here have never adopted the starker forms of covering common in Arab countries, the niqab or burqa, which obscure the whole face.
Given the transgressive popularity of the jilboob, it's hard to imagine that reality changing any time soon.
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