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Real income of farmers, construction workers declines as result of inflation: BPS

Jakarta Post - December 15, 2017

Jakarta – The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) has said that, despite the increase in income of both small farmers in villages and construction workers in urban areas, their real income has declined as a result of inflation.

According to the BPS, although the income of small farmers increased by 0.21 percent in November, the inflation rate in villages was 0.21 percent in the same month, thus decreasing farmers' purchasing power.

"The real income of small farmers declined by 0.15 percent," said BPS head Suhariyanto in Jakarta on Friday as reported by tribunnews.com.

He called on the government to pay attention to the fate of small farmers because Indonesians relied on the agricultural sector.

Similarly, the income of construction workers in urban areas grew by 0.02 percent in November, while the inflation rate in these areas was 0.2 percent.

It meant that the real income of construction workers in urban areas declined by 0.18 percent, Suhariyanto said. (bbn)

Source: http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2017/12/15/real-income-of-farmers-construction-workers-declines-as-result-of-inflation-bps.html.

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