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PDI-P accuses FPI of spreading hatred
Jakarta Post - January 17, 2017
"Pak Rizieq Shihab has so far spread hatred and divided the nation. All factions of the PDI-P are united in their defense of Ibu chairwoman and the party," PDI-P secretary general Hasto Kristiyanto said in a statement on Tuesday as reported by tribunnews.com.
Rizieq who was questioned last week at the West Java Police headquarters in Bandung for allegedly insulting the state ideology Pancasila, threatened on Tuesday to report Megawati for insulting Islam.
In her speech during the celebration of the party's anniversary last week, Megawati called on the nation's "silent majority" to reject groups who threatened the unity of the nation and flouted the dictates of the Pancasila.
Hasto said Megwati's speech had been written based on her love of the nation and strong commitment to the state ideology and the Constitution. "If Pak Rizieq Shihab wants to challenge [Megawati], we are ready to face Pak Rizieq Shihab," he said. (jun)
Source: http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2017/01/17/pdi-p-accuses-fpi-of-spreading-hatred.html.
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