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Muslim scholar group backs court process for HTI ban
Jakarta Post - May 15, 2017
ICMI chairman Jimly Asshiddiqie said the association supported the government because HTI's aspiration for an Islamic caliphate contradicted the country's ideology of Pancasila, but the group said the state's decision to do so should be based on justice and impartiality.
"The most important thing is to give HTI the opportunity to explain itself to the public. Thus, a transparent and fair court process must take place in order to give political education to people," Jimly said in a statement. "The government can also openly provide its argumentation for the ban".
Jimly further called for the government to apply the same procedure to other organizations that promoted values contravening the state's ideology. "The constitution has clearly guaranteed the freedom to assemble. Everyone can set up an organization as long as it complies with the constitution".
The 2013 Law on Mass Organization allows the government to disband an organization that it considers against the state ideology, but the government should follow certain procedures, including a court process. (wit)
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