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Megawati cools PAN, PPP ardor
Jakarta Post - September 20, 2014
Their presence has indicated a possible break-up within the Red-and-White Coalition, led by losing presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto.
However, while many at the event initially rejoiced at the two parties' possible inclusion in the coalition of president-elect Joko "Jokowi" Widodo, the moment seemed to vanish after PDI-P supreme leader and Jokowi's patron, Megawati Soekarnoputri, signalled that negotiations with the parties over Cabinet slots were very unlikely.
"We've never said that we are forming a coalition. The exact word was 'togetherness'. We work hand-in-hand for the country. As I have repeatedly said to Pak Jokowi, there will be no negotiation," said Megawati.
Megawati's stance was supported by Jokowi, who said that he had not yet considered giving out Cabinet positions for PAN and PPP politicians on the basis of their affiliations.
"For the time being, [my coalition] is still discussing the architecture of the Cabinet. We have not discussed names yet. Just take it slowly. There is still time until Oct. 20 to choose ministers," he said.
Speculation is rife that Jokowi will offer PAN and PPP several ministerial posts after he announced he would allocate 16 ministerial-level jobs to politicians from his coalition camp. The presence of the officials from PAN and PPP has heightened speculation that the two parties are inching closer to Jokowi.
PAN was represented by its deputy chairman Dradjad Wibowo, secretary-general Taufik Kurniawan and executive Tjatur Sapto Edy. PAN chairman, and unsuccessful vice presidential candidate, Hatta Rajasa is currently on an overseas trip.
Despite warm welcome for PAN, PPP representatives at PDI-P meeting, Megawati says no negotiations Red-and-White Coalition representatives insist they remain united. PPP acting chairman Emron Pangkapi attended the meeting alongside his deputy secretary-general, Ihsa Muhsi.
Jokowi has been struggling to woo the two parties in order to gain the support of a majority in the House of Representatives for his upcoming administration.
When asked whether his presence signaled PAN's intention to join forces with Jokowi, Dradjad denied the possibility. "It is not related to that. This is a silaturahmi [friendly visit] between political parties. We've come because we were invited."
It has been suggested that PAN and the PPP could each get one minister should they agree to jump ship. Jokowi's team is said to be considering PPP executive and Religious Affairs Minister Lukman Hakim Saifuddin and PAN's Dradjad to fill social-affairs ministerial seats.
Habiburokhman, an executive of losing presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto's Gerindra Party, said that his party was not concerned by PAN and PPP attendance at the meeting and reassured reporters that Prabowo's coalition would remain intact.
"As of today, the Red-and-White Coalition remains solid and has positioned itself outside the government. No political parties or leaders within the coalition have expressed their intention of resigning," he said.
Golkar Party executive and lawmaker Agun Gunandjar Sudarsa,said that his party was not concerned by the PAN and PPP executives' presence at the meeting. "The coalition remains solid. PPP and PAN will not join the Cabinet," he said.
Source: http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2014/09/20/megawati-cools-pan-ppp-ardor.html.
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