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LBH Jakarta says Bukit Duri evictions violate law, disrespect court
Jakarta Post - September 28, 2016
Citra Referendum, a public attorney with LBH Jakarta, said that the evictions would not be undertaken based on proper procedures, especially when the residents claimed that they did not know about the administration's plan to "normalize" the Ciliwung River. They said the administration never engaged in discussions with them regarding the program.
"We believe that the Jakarta administration has conducted forced evictions and they failed to perform the obligations provided in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights under Law No. 11/2005," Citra said in a statement on Tuesday.
The residents also claimed they were subject to intimidation during their evictions. Every day, police and military (TNI) personnel went around the kampung and forced them to take low-cost apartments provided by the administration, despite the objections of some residents.
"We urge the TNI and police to not take part in the forced evictions as it will surpass their authority according to the law," Citra said.
The administration has also disrespected the ongoing process in the Central Jakarta District Court and Jakarta state administrative court by deciding to clear the Bukit Duri residential area, she said. (evi)
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