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Kaligis happy with Johan's failure
Jakarta Post - December 26, 2015
"I have done my part in calling for the two not to be reelected. I am done now," Kaligis said as quoted by tribunnews.com on Friday at KPK headquarters.
Kaligis said that his prayers had been answered with the decision from the House of Representatives not to reelect them for the second term as KPK leaders.
Last week, House Commission III overseeing legal affairs voted for the new KPK lineup, comprising National Procurement Agency (LKPP) former manager Agus Raharjo, Jakarta Corruption Court ad hoc judge Alexander Marwata, National Police Senior Staff and Command School (Sespimti) lecturer Brig. Gen. Basaria Panjaitan, Makassar-based Hasanuddin University law professor Laode Muhammad Syarif and Saut Situmorang, an expert at the National Intelligence Agency (BIN).
Johan took part in a House confirmation hearing for the position but the House did not select him following his statement that he would not approve of any plan to amend the KPK law.
Busyro declined to show up at the confirmation hearing, arguing that he had been selected by the last session of the House in 2014.
Source: http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2015/12/26/national-scene-kaligis-happy-with-johan-s-failure.html.
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