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Freeport is the cause of the present tribal conflict
United Front of Struggle of the West Papuan People (Front PEPERA) Statement - October 25, 2007
Jakarta – The horizontal tribal conflict in Banti, District of Tembagapura, Mile 68, Freeport has not yet been resolved by either of the warring parties.
This bloody tragedy has led to seven deaths and sixty persons being injured. The conflict is located within the gold concession area operated by Freeport-McMoran. Freeport is believed to be behind these disturbances which have led to many casualties and much material loss.
Such horizontal conflicts used to happen frequently in Papua. However today, these cultural conflicts serve imperialist interests.
The conflict between Dani and Damai people in the kampung of Banti began when a member of the security forces assaulted Peres Magai who was arrested by Freeport Indonesia security forces. He later died in Freeport Tembagapura Hospital.
His family said that Freeport should be held responsible for the death of Peres Magai, and then, a large crowd of people went to Freeport. The result was the eruption of the tribal war which is still going on.
Freeport Indonesia's role is very regrettable indeed. For decades, the American company has failed to foster peace in Papua. The history of Freeport since the day it set foot in Papua is one of failure. The crimes of this corporation must end, in the interests of the safety and sovereignty of the people. Freeport's misdeeds have been the cause of many problems – ecological damage, crimes against humanity and crimes against democracy.
Events such as the eviction of the Amungme people from Grasberg to Kwamki led to the deaths of 75 per cent of that generation of Amungme, who had been moved to very different geographical surroundings. The Amungme tribal wars in the 1980s resulted in many deaths during a series of military operations by Kopassus under Prabowo Subianto. The conflict which erupted in Kwamki in August 2006 between traditional gold panners and Freeport security forces occurred on a weekly basis.
These conflicts occurred as the result of shifting interests between Freeport, the local elite and the Indonesian military. However, the conflict was finally resolved when two vehicles belonging to Freeport were fired on at Mile 89. Close down Freeport! Freeport is of no benefit to the Papuan people!
One thing is certain – lasting peace can be created without Freeport. Freeport's departure from the Cenderawasih soil is the solution to the problems in West Papua.
Jakarta has created a variety of superstructures in order to protect the American company. Although this international multinational corporation has violated many rights of the people, it has been allowed to go on exploiting Papua's natural resources.
Once again this latest tribal conflict has erupted as a result of the greed of the military forces in their determination to protect Freeport. On this occasion, a citizen was beaten up and maltreated and he later died.
In the opinion of Front PEPERA, an accumulation of competition between the tribal elites and sabotage by business interests has triggered further tribal warfare, following earlier conflicts in Timika.
Front Pepera makes the following demands:
Email: Frontpepera@yahoo.co.id
[Slightly abridged translation by TAPOL.]
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