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Dictator Prayut hauls in more people for 'attitude changes'
Red Thai Socialist - January 29, 2015
Their supposed "crimes" were to use social media and other means to criticise the illegitimate punishment of former Prime Minister Yingluk over the rice price protection scheme.
The junta is preparing to order even more Pua Thai politicians to report to military camps for similar attitude changes which might involve overnight detentions. One such politician is Pichai Narip-tapun, former energy minister, who has dared to criticise the junta's energy policies.
Meanwhile the vicious idiot Generalissimo Prayut, talking through his back-side as usual, has countered the claim by Yingluk that Thai democracy is dead. He shouted that he was a "democratic minded soldier" and only took power to "protect democracy". He has repeatedly warned people not to criticise his junta.
During a recent press conference megalomaniac Prayut swore at reporters and threatened them with also being summonsed for an "attitude change" if they persisted in asking "too many" questions. He showed much displeasure with some of the photos of himself appearing in the media which showed him pointing his finger in a threatening manner. He denied that he was a power crazy ruler.
The launch of the 2014 Asian Media Barometer Thailand event, organised by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Thailand Office, has been cancelled on the orders of the military. This event was organised to evaluated media freedom.
Amid news of a proposal by Sombat Boon-ngarmanong for red shirts to wear red every Sunday, Prayut frothed at the mouth and shouted that anyone who was active against the junta would be prevented from leaving the country and would have their bank accounts frozen.
In the same week, the National Human Rights Commission released a report criticising the former Yingluk government for its crowd control methods against Sutep's anti-election mob. They accuse the Yingluk government of not protecting the "human rights" of this mob. Yet, this Democrat Party gang was allowed to wreck the elections and carry guns on the streets with impunity.
The National Human Rights Commission has never defended those who face lese-majeste or ever dared to criticise the military killings of civilians.
However, the junta's lapdogs who are busy drafting an authoritarian constitution, have suggested that the National Human Rights Commission be merged with office of the National Ombudsman. Apparently, the National Human Rights Commission has not done enough to destroy democracy and human rights.
There is also a proposal that the Electoral Commission be scrapped and be replaced by an "election organising committee" hand-picked by military-appointed permanent secretaries of a number of ministries, including the Ministry of Defence, together with the national police chief. Apparently the previous Electoral Commission, which helped wreck the February 2014 elections on behalf of Sutep's mob, were not biased enough. This plan would fit nicely with the organising of false elections in the junta's dream of a future "guided democracy".
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