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Singapore news sites to require government licence

ABC News - May 31, 2013

A former member of Singapore's Parliament says the country's government is trying to censor the internet by requiring news websites to obtain licences.

Ten new sites, including US-based Yahoo and several local mainstream news sites, will have to obtain licences as of Saturday. The licence requires news websites to remove disapproved-of content within 24 hours of notification, or risk losing a $40,000 bond.

Lawyer, human rights activist and former Nominated Member of Parliament in Singapore, Siew Kum Hong, has told Radio Australia's Connect Asia program the government is clearly trying to censor the internet.

"I'm not going to make any bones about it, I think it's absolutely an attempt by the government to censor the online media," he said. "In fact, more accurately, it seeks to establish a mechanism whereby the government can censor the internet."

Singapore's Media Development Authority (MDA) says the new framework isn't intended to clamp down on media freedom. "The new licensing framework is not intended to clamp down on Internet freedom," it said, adding that it was "not MDA's intent to place onerous obligations" on the licencees.

Mr Siew disagrees, saying the licences are a clear attempt to control the media. "What cannot be disputed is that the Singapore media scene is extremely controlled and this is an attempt to control it further," he said.

"Ever since the internet came along we've had an explosion of discourse all taking place online. Right now it's a list of ten sites – who knows if that will be expanded in future?"

The MDA says websites that have at least 50,000 unique visitors from Singapore every month and publish at least one local news article per week over a period of two months must obtain an annual licence.

Websites granted a licence will have to remove "prohibited content" such as articles that undermine "racial or religious harmony" within 24 hours of being notified by the authorities. (ABC/AFP)

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