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Cross-religious solidarity action for freedom of religion, worship
Jatim News - September 19, 2010
The event, which will be accompanied with the lighting of 1 thousand candles, is an expression of solidarity over the recent stabbing of a Batak Christian Protestant Church (HKBP) elder.
Alliance spokesperson Hari Cahyono said that the action is being held as a form of solidarity and respect for religious freedom. "We will start at 7pm, with a joint prayer and speeches with a number of demands", he said.
Aside from the call to respect the freedom of religious, belief and worship in accordance with one's respective faith, they will also be demanding government programs that side with the ordinary people.
"Because government programs such as free education and healthcare are programs entrusted [for the people]. In addition to this we will also be rejecting planned increases to the basic electricity rate, LPG gas and cuts to fuel subsidies", said Cahyono.
"In addition to slighting 1 thousand candles there will also be poetry readings, speeches and [the event] will be closed with a joint prayer. In the speeches, we will be calling on the public to unite shoulder to shoulder to fight for democracy", he explained.
At least 12 different cross-religious organisations make up the alliance including the Mojokerto Local Indonesian Communion of Churches (PGIS), the Indonesian Cultural Board (MBI), Santo Yusuf Catholic Church (GKSY), the Indonesian Labour Movement Union-Indonesian National Front for Labour Struggle (FNPBI-PPBI), the Indonesian Cultural Society Union (Sebumi), the Indonesian Muslim Youth Local Branch Office (PC-PMI), the Working People's Association (HRP), the Mojokerto Christian Youth (Mudiska), the Mojokerto city Nahdlatul Ulama Branch Office (PC-NU), Mojokerto Social Concern (MMP), the Political Union of the Poor (PPRM) and Free Women (Perempuan Mahardika). [tin/but]
[Translated by James Balowski.]
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