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Dita Sari’s reasons for supporting the Kalla-Wiranto presidential bid
Pemiluindonesia.com - June 7, 2009
Up until now, Dita Indah Sari has been known as a labour activist, while Vice President Jusuf Kalla is known as a business person. Sari however has formed the Courageous Volunteers for Resurrecting Self-Sufficiency (Relawan Berani Bangkit Mandiri, Relawan BBM), which represent a group of volunteers who will campaign for the Jusuf Kalla and Wiranto presidential bid. So what are Sari’s reasons for giving her support to Kalla?
“We feel comfortable with his ideas of self-sufficiency and a people’s economy”, said Sari prior to the declaration of Relawan BBM at the Panti Trisula Perwari Building in Central Jakarta on Saturday June 6.
Up until now, said Sri, Kalla’s vision and mission is seen as supporting workers’ welfare. Moreover according to Sari, Kalla has promised to safeguard domestic industries and is concerned about labour problems. “So that workers will not be dismissed in large numbers”, said the Chairperson of the Indonesian National Front for Labour Struggle (FNPBI).
Dita also believes that Kalla is the type of leader who can communicate in a simple language. In addition to this, Kalla is also considered to be prepared to act quickly. “We’re tired of leaders who are indecisive, normative and impractical”, said the former Chairperson of the People’s Democratic Party (PRD).
Kalla and Wiranto’s diverse backgrounds have also not been lost on Sari. “Because this is a pilpres [presidential election], not a pilres or residence election [sic], that only covers Pacitan, Madiun, and surrounding areas,” said Dita.
Source: Ismoko Widjaya, Bayu Galih – VIVAnews
[Translated by James Balowski.]
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