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The people’s movement must be able to build the economy - Max Lane

Kompas - April 28, 2009

Jakarta – The people’s political movement should not just be directed towards taking power, but it would be preferable if the movement is also direct towards building the economy. In Indonesia such a measure is extremely important because from the start Indonesia has not had the power of capital.

During a discussion held by the Independent Journalists Association (AJI) on Monday April 27, labour affairs observer Max Lane said that coming out of the Dutch colonial period, Indonesia failed to inherit any kind of industrial base, and this situation was aggravated by the emasculation of the right to organise during the era of Suharto’s New Order regime. This situation, according to Lane, is actually what has led to Indonesia being impoverished.

Indonesia does not have a history of capitalisation and because of this it has also resulted in a failure to take a capitalist path [of development], and following on from this, the Indonesian people are not become accustomed with a genuine discourse on their ideology. If this problem is not overcome, Indonesia will remain impoverished and may become even more destitute.

“I apologise, if I have to say that Indonesia’s situation is actually far more acute than just the [problem] of the effect of the current of neoliberalism”, said Lane.

In order to overcome this, what is needed is to strengthen the mechanisms of people’s control along with strengthening the people’s organisations and the trade unions. All of the fighters for reform must be able to build a target, such has how many active members in this movement.

Sastro from the Workers Challenge Alliance (ABM) said that in fact the power held by workers in Indonesia is huge. Up until now however, this power has not yet been sufficient to influence the national political stage. Yet in order to actively participate in politics or to take power, it isn’t necessary to build a party. (JOS)

[Translated by James Balowski.]

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