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Still no let up to protest actions against fuel price hikes

Tempo Interactive - June 1, 2008

Sofian, Jakarta – Protest actions opposing the recent fuel price hike look set to continue. Based on data from the Metro Jaya regional police Traffic Management Centre (TMC) there will be at least three demonstrations related to the fuel prices on Sunday June 1.

At 11am at least 500 people from the People’s Struggle Front (FPR) will demonstrate at the Hotel Indonesia roundabout and the State Palace on Jl. Medan Merdeka Utara in Central Jakarta. In addition to demanding that the fuel price increases be revoked, they will also be calling on the government to bring down the price of basic commodities, increase the workers’ and farmers’ wages and provide job opportunities.

The National Liberation Front (FPN) will also be demonstrating in the same area. The protest action, which are expected to attract around 1,000 people, will start at 12noon at the World Bank offices and the State Palace. As well as continuing to protest the fuel price hikes, they will also be demanding the nationalisation of the mining industry under the control of the people and voicing their opposition to World Bank intervention in Indonesia.

At 1pm members of the Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) will also be holding an action in front of the State Palace expressing their opposition to the fuel price increases.

At around the same time a mass rally and parade will be organised by the National Alliance for Freedom of Religion and Faith (AKKBB). The action will be held at two locations – behind the Gambir trains station and at the Hotel Indonesia roundabout.

The rally, which is expected to attract around 3,000 people, will be opposing the existence of groups that use force or violence to counter the beliefs of other groups. A number of public figures are planed to speak at the rally.


The AKKBB rally at the National Monument was later attacked by members of the right-wing Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) leaving 34 people injured. Despite a large police presence, no arrests were made.

[Translated by James Balowski.]

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