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At least six protest actions to rock Jakarta today

Tempo Interactive - March 31, 2008

Muhammad Nur Rochmi/TMC, Jakarta – According to information from the Metro Jaya regional police Traffic Management Centre (TMC) website, at least six protest actions will rock Jakarta on Monday March 31.

At 10am protesters from the North Maluku Social Alliance (AMMU) will be holding a demonstration in front of the State Palace on Jl. Medan Merdeka Utara in Central Jakarta.

Following this, two foreign embassies will be targeted. At 10am protesters from the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) will hold a protest at the Dutch Embassy on Jl. HR Rasuna Said.

Between 1-3pm meanwhile, demonstrators from the Indonesian Society for Tibetan Freedom (MIUKT) will be protesting at the Chinese Embassy in the Mega Kuningan area of South Jakarta.

In addition to this, the Anti-Corruption Civic League (KMAK) will hold a protest at the Corruption Eradication Commission offices at 11am.

The Greater Jakarta Railway Division offices on Jl. Ir Juanda in Central Jakarta will also see a protest by the Greater Jakarta Railway Workers Union (SPKA) this morning at 8am.

Starting at 1pm, demonstrators from the Indonesian Civic Trade Union (SPMI) will hold a demonstration at the Horse Statue in Central Jakarta, which will be continued later at the Jakarta Public Hall.

[Translated by James Balowski.]

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