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Seven protest actions to colour the capital today
Tempo Interactive - January 24, 2008
Ibnu Rusydi/TMC, Jakarta – Protest actions will colour the capital city on Thursday January 24. The Metro Jaya regional police intelligence and security directorate has received notification of seven planned demonstrations.
As announced by the Metro Jaya Traffic Management Center, the first action will be held by workers from PT Tunggal Maju Asri on Jl. Arya Kemuning Periuk in Tangerang. Starting at around 8am. Some 150 people will take part in the action.
At 9am, a group named the Riau Pro-democracy Social Community (KMRPD) will hold a protest action in front of the State Palace in Central Jakarta.
Also on Jl. Jalan Medan Merdeka Utara, the North Maluku Indonesian Forum (FIMU) will be demonstrating at the Supreme Court building. Around 300 people will participate in action that will take place between 9am and 3pm.
Around 200 people from the Jakarta Residents Forum (FAKTA) will hold a protest action in front of the State Palace between 11am to 4pm. Also at 11am, 200 or so people from the Social Movement to Safeguard the People's Money (GEMPUR) will be demonstrating in front of the House of Representatives building in Senayan.
The Kutai Kartanegara Social Fraternity Communication Forum (FKPMKK) will be holding a protest action at the Supreme Court and the Attorney General’s Office. Starting at 11am, around 50 people will take part in the action.
Between 4-5pm, around 50 people from the Solidarity Network for the Families of Victims of Human Rights Violations (JSKKPH) will demonstrate in front of the State Palace. The group, wearing black clothing, has been holding peaceful actions at the State Palace on the last Thursday of each month.
[Translated by James Balowski.]
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