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PDI-P politician Permadi turned away from fuel price protest

myRMnews - May 29, 2008

Sugihono, Jakarta – Apparently with the firm intention of supporting an action opposing the recent fuel price increases at the State Palace in Central Jakarta, Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) politician Permadi was instead turned away by protesters.

The incident occurred as hundreds of students and workers from the National Liberation Front (FPN) arrived in front of the State Palace on the afternoon of Thursday May 29 to protest against the price hikes.

Upon seeing Permadi approach the crowd of students and workers, a student speaking through a megaphone from on top of the command vehicle began shouting at Permadi calling him a liar. “Overthrow the political elite, power to the people”, the other demonstrators sung in unison.

Seeing the behaviour of the protesters, Permadi was crestfallen and eventually moved away from the demonstration.

In a speech one of the workers said that the action is not being used for the benefit of anyone, either from the political elite or any of the political parties. “For us (workers) it is already clear, the parties have been proven not to side with ordinary people and workers”, they asserted.

Permadi claimed that his presence at the rally was not to represent the party but was in a personal capacity. “I personally join in supporting worker and student actions opposing the fuel price hikes”, he said. (dry)


There have been a number of reports in the Indonesian media recently in which political figures such as former economic minister Rizal Ramli and retired Indonesian military chief General Wiranto from the Indonesian Awakening Committee have been accused of using student demonstrations against the fuel price hikes for their own ends. Ramli himself has taken part in a number of protest actions and spoke at a rally organised by groups affiliated with the National Liberation Party of Unity (Papernas) in Jakarta on May 20.

[Translated by James Balowski.]

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