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Housewives challenge Star Reform Party to sign social contract
Detik.com - August 2, 2008
Laurencius Simanjuntak, Jakarta – Around 70 housewives went to the Star Reform Party (PBR) offices on Jl. Abdullah Syafei in Tebet, South Jakarta today to challenge PBR general chairperson Burzah Zarnubi to sign a social contract supporting the poor.
The housewives, who were from the Indonesian Poor People’s Union (SRMI), issued the challenge during an event launching the PBR’s electoral number of 29 for the 2009 general elections.
SRMI general chairperson and coordinator of the action, Marlo Sitompul, proclaimed this commitment to side with the poor. This included protecting the poor throughout Jakarta from the threat of eviction and fighting for free eduction for primary and high-school students in Jakarta in the context of school registration costs, educational management contributions and examination fees.
During the action, the housewives brought a number of posters and banners. One of these read “PBR don’t vacillate in opposing evictions” and “PBR don’t vacillate in fighting for free education”. They also unfurled a banner reading “Free eduction, free healthcare, oppose evictions, job opportunities”.
The PBR’s election number launching was attended by PBR members and enlivened by singer Franky Sahilatua and activists Ratna Sarumpaet. (nik/fiq)
[Translated by James Balowski.]
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