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Four protest actions to enliven Jakarta today

Detik.com - January 8, 2008

Iqbal Fadil, Jakarta – As many as four demonstrations at four separate locations will be held in Jakarta today, Tuesday January 8. Those who do not wish to be inconvenienced by the actions should avoid the following locations.

Quoting form the Metro Jaya regional police Traffic Management Centre (TMC), the first two protest actions will take place at around 10am. The first will be held at the State Palace on Jl. Medan Merdeka Utara in Central Jakarta.

Migrant Care, a non-governmental organisation that provides advocacy for migrant workers overseas, will be calling on President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to fight for the protection of Indonesian migrant workers in Malaysia during a ministerial level meeting with Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi on January 11-12.

The second demonstration, which will take place in front of the Constitutional Court building on Jl. Medan Merdeka Barat, also in Central Jakarta, is being organized by the People’s Movement Against Neocolonialism and Imperialism (Gerak-Lawan).

If you don't want to be caught in traffic, it would be advisable to avoid the areas intersecting the National Monument at this hour.

Following on from this, the third demonstration, which will take place at around 11am in front of the Metro Jaya regional police building on Jl. Sudirman, Central Jakarta, will be held by the Social Network of Legal Concern (JAMPIH).

The final action will take place at around 12noon in front of the Attorney General’s Office on Jl. Sisingamangaraja in South Jakarta. Protesters from the Student Movement for Liberation (GMP) will be calling for the Islamic religious sect Ahmadiyah to be disbanded. (bal/bal)

[Translated by James Balowski.]

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