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Protests to add to Jakarta traffic congestion today

Tempo Interactive - December 4, 2007

Jakarta – A number of protests or mass actions on the main streets of Jakarta will add to the traffic congestion today. The protest groups, as announced by the Metro Jaya regional police Traffic Management Center (TMC), have already sent notifications of their planned actions to police.

At 9am, a group calling itself the Riau Students Association (HPMR) will hold protest in front of the national police headquarters on JL. Trunojoyo, the Attorney General’s Office on Jl. Sisimangaraja in South Jakarta and at the Hotel Indonesia roundabout.

Also around 9am, a group called the Jambi Law Enforcement Social Concern Alliance (AMJPPH) plans to visit the Corruption Eradication Commission on Jl. HR Rasuna Said in South Jakarta. They are also planning to protest at the national police headquarters. This may well be followed by a demonstration by the Indonesian People’s Association of Sugarcane Farmers (APTRI), after which they will go to the Ragunan Earth Encampment in South Jakarta later in the afternoon.

Students also plan to hold protests in front of the House of Representatives (DPR) Building on Jl. Gatot Subroto. The University of Indonesia Student Executive Council (BEM) will be holding an action at around 11am. A group called the Social Movement to Safeguard the People’s Money (GEMPUR), which claims to be made up of 26 student and youth organisations, plans to hold an action at 12noon at the same location. The Jakarta State University BEM has also announced plans to demonstrate at the DPR at around 1pm later this afternoon.

Between 3-5pm, the Urban Poor Consortium will hold a cultural rally from the Hotel Indonesia roundabout to the Proclamation Monument in Central Jakarta. Also at the Hotel Indonesia roundabout, a group called the Betawi Social Association Jakarta Militia (LJPMB) will be launching a new tabloid between 4-6pm. (TMC, Ibnu R.)

[Translated by James Balowski.]

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