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Pedicab drivers and Papernas demonstrate in Madiun

Metro TV News - April 23, 2007

Madiun – As many as 200 pedicab drivers together with members of the National Liberation Party of Unity (Papernas) held a demonstration in the East Java city of Madiun on Monday April 23.

They started the action with a convoy through the streets of the city then blockaded a bus route on the Madiun city ring road, which is the main inter-city highway between provinces.

The blockade was carried out because of the pedicab drivers’ disappointment with the Madiun municipal government that has failed to respond to their demands in a timely manner. The drivers are opposing the establishment of new bus routes along the ring road that no longer go into the city.

After blockading the bus route, the demonstrators then went to the offices of the Madiun mayor on Jl. Pahlawan. In a symbolic protest, they overturned their pedicabs on the grounds of the mayor’s office. (DOR)

[Translated by James Balowski.]

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