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Despite FPI attack, Papernas to go ahead with launch in June

Media Indonesia - March 29, 2007

Agustinus, Jakarta – Despite being attacked by right-wing thugs on March 29, the National Liberation Party of Unity (Papernas) will declare itself in June. This was confirmed by Papernas general secretary Haris Sitorus during discussions with Media Indonesia in Jakarta on Thursday March 29.

The Papernas mass rally to declare the party that was to be held in Jakarta ended in a clash after it was attacked by members of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) and the Betawi Brotherhood Forum (FBR).

According to Haris, Papernas is taking up a number of issues including fighting for the abolition of the foreign debt, the nationalisation of the mining industry and building an Indonesia that is strong and independent.

Haris said that Papernas currently has local leadership boards in 23 provinces and 185 regencies/municipalities. The preparatory committee for the formation of Papernas has been working since June 2006.

“There many struggles happening on the ground. One of these is that we will take part in the 2009 general elections”, he said. Haris added that the existing political parties have become contaminated with broker type mentality. He said that have no hesitation about pawning of the states interest for personal gain. (Aka/Ol-03)

[Translated by James Balowski.]

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