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Papernas declaration in postponed due to threats from right-wing thugs

Kompas Cyber Media - April 19, 2007

Tuban – A planned declaration of the National Liberation Party of Unity (Papernas) in the Tuban regency of Central Java yesterday has been canceled. It is understood that this followed threats by a number of Islamic organisations in Tuban and Lamongan regency affiliated with the Anti-Communist Islamic Community Front (FUI-AK).

The organisations affiliated with FUI-AK include among others the Indonesian Council for Islamic Propagation (DDII), the Muhammadiyah Youth Force (AMM) and the Islamic Community Concern Forum for Islamic Law (FUI-PD). A number of kiai (religious teachers) and santri (religious pupils) from the Tenggulun Village Al Islam boarding school in the Solokuro sub-district of Lamongan and the Mambaul Ulum Tuban Islamic boarding school are also affiliated with the group. Among others they include KH Yahya Romli (the caretaker of the Mambaul Ulum Islamic boarding school), Ustad Zainal Arifin, Habib Muksin, Ustad Al Faruk, Idrus Al Jufri and Mujud M.Z.

Since early morning around 100 FUI-AK members, the majority of which wore religious clothing, robes, turbans and caps, had gathered on the terrace on the grounds of the Annur Mosque, around 200 meter to the east of the KSPKP Building on Jl. Wahidin Sudirohusodo in Tuban, where the Papernas declaration was to take place.

Apparently threats by FUI-AK had been received and read by those planning to declare Papernas and it was reported that on Tuesday night they decided to cancel the declaration.

Security personnel meanwhile were already anticipating the worst in relation to the "opposition" from FUI-AK and around 145 soldiers had been readied at the Tuban district police headquarters. This did not include intelligence personnel and officers from the criminal investigation division to provide undercover security.

Because by 10.10am there did not appear to be any activity at the KSPKP Building or that there had been a change in the venue for the declaration, FUI-AK members eventually held a rally to the western parade ground at the 0811 Tuban District Military Command Headquarters. During the rally they carried banners with the message, "Uphold Tap MPRS XXXV and UU 27/1999 on the Prohibition of Communist Teachings"1 and shouted anti-communist slogans. "Crush communism, crush Papernas", yelled the demonstrators.

At the parade ground, FUI-AK figures took turns giving speeches. Muksin stated that communist ideology would destroy the nation. Because of this, all elements of the nation must be on guard against the rise of new forms of communism. According to Muksin, the birth of Papernas on January 18-20 in Yogyakarta, Central Java, is one of the forms of the revival of communist ideology in the Fatherland.

Romli meanwhile said that no matter how it is repackaged, this communist ideology remains visible. Because of this, he called on Indonesian society not to be apathetic. "We oppose communism", he shouted. After hearing the speech the demonstrators a noisy group set fire to flags with the symbol of the Indonesian Communist Party.

As of going to print, the person responsible for organising the Papernas declaration, Sutojo, who provided notification of the event to police was unable to be contacted to confirm whether the declaration had been cancelled as his cell phone was inactive. (ds)


1. Tap MPRS XXV/1966 - MPRS Decree Number XXV/1966 on the Dissolution of the Indonesian Communist Party and Prohibitions on Marxist, Leninist and Communist Teachings.

2. Law No. 27/1999 is a revision to the Criminal Code that codifies the MPRS Decree.

[Translated by James Balowski.]

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