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Suspect says BIN issued recommendation for Polycarpus to join Munir’s flight

Detik.com - August 10, 2007

Indra Subagja, Jakarta – Little by little, the mystery surrounding the Munir case is being uncovered. Wira D. Dipodiputra, the lawyer of the former executive director of PT Garuda Indonesia Indra Setiawan, claims that a letter exists written by a high-ranking official from the National Intelligence Agency (BIN) requesting that Pollycarpus Budihari Priyanto be allowed to depart for Singapore.

"Yes, the letter does indeed exist. But as legal advisors we have never seen it [ourselves]," said Dipodiputra when accompanying his client to the Jakarta Chief Public Prosecutor's offices on Jl. HR Rasuna Said in the Kuningan area of South Jakarta on Friday August 10.

Dipodiputra went on to say that this is based on an admission made by Setiawan to an investigator from the national police headquarters. "But the letter disappeared, from Pak Indra's car at the Sahid Hotel", he said.

Reportedly the letter was handed over in July 2004 at the Sahid Hotel and disappeared in December 2004 at the same location. In relation to this, the letter was referred to in the police interrogation report. “But the letter and a murder taking place are far removed right”, he explained.

Meanwhile the head of the national police headquarters public relations department, Inspector General Sisno Adiwinoto said that the investigation into the Munir case to find the other perpetrators would be continued after Setiawan's court hearing has been completed.

"Later if there are (names that emerge in the trial), of course we will investigate further. But let the court hearing take place first", he said.

According to Adiwinoto, in following up the investigation police will also be coordinating with related institutions. All of this continued Adiwinoto would be able to be proven in court.

“All of this will be proven in the court. Moreover also who gave the order to commit [the murder] and who else was ordered to assist in its perpetration, will be able to be proven in court”, he added.

When asked weather any BIN officials had been questioned, Adiwinoto said that if there is sufficient evidence, then of course anyone who is involved would be investigated. (nwk/sss)

[Translated by James Balowski.]

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