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Poor People's Union calls for independent candidates in Jakarta election

Detik.com - June 6, 2007

Nograhany Widhi K., Jakarta – Around 300 people from the Urban Poor Union (SRMK) demonstrated in front of the Constitutional Court on June 6 demanding that the court review Law Number 32/2004 in relation to independent candidates in the election of regional heads.

During the action on Jl. Medan Merdeka Barat in Central Jakarta that started at 9.55am, they held a warok performance through a traditional reog dance from the East Java town of Ponorogo. Wearing unique all black warok clothing, they performed accompanied by jaran kepang music. Other protesters put up posters reading “Independent candidates”.

In a speech, one of the protesters, Rasdullah, called for not just Jakarta to be fixed but also the election of regional heads. “Independent candidates must be able to support the little people. Such independents would not come from a party, it could be a pedicab driver or a person who repairs shoes in the street. If later they become governor they won’t evict us, right?”, he shouted to his colleagues. Rasdullah’s call was immediately greeted with shouts of “Right...”.

Action coordinator Effendy Gozali meanwhile said that after ‘rocking” the Constitutional Court they would move off the Jakarta Regional National Election Commission (KPUD). “We will be asking the KPUD to extend the registration period. We are hoping that the Jakarta election for governor can be postponed so that the Constitutional Court can hold a judicial review”, he asserted. (umi/nrl)

[Translated by James Balowski.]

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