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Muria residents seek DPD support against planned nuclear reactor
Detik.com - July 24, 2007
Triono Wahyu Sudibyo, Semarang – Muria community representatives met with members of the Regional Representatives Council (DPD) on July 24 to ask them to oppose the planned construction of a nuclear power plant (PLTN) in Semenanjung Muria, Jepara regency, Central Java, in 2010.
Accompanies by Kudus Regent HM Tamzil, the representatives from Earth Watch (Marem), the Indonesian Environmental Forum (Walhi) and the Regional House of Representatives were received by six members of the DPD from Central Java at their offices in Semarang. Also accompanying them was Kudus district police chief Iswandi Hanif.
Marem chairperson Lilo Sunaryo said that the group had met repeatedly with the National Atomic Energy Agency (Batan) in both formal forums as well as informally. “I have [repeatedly] conveyed the matter of the Muria community’s objections to the PLTN”, he said.
Sunaryo said that based upon the experience in other countries nuclear power plant remain extremely dangerous. Leaks, the threat of terrorism and nuclear waste are problems that continue to surface in the planned construction of the plant.
Another Marem activist, Hasan Aoni, added that only recently there was a leak at the Japanese nuclear power because of an earthquake. “This must be a warning for us. A country with a high level of technology such as Japan still has leaks, what about us”, he said.
Aoni suggested that the government seek alternative sources of energy saying that Indonesia could develop wind power, hydroelectric power and solar energy which have a much lower level of risk compared with nuclear power plants.
DPD member Budi Santosa said he would convey their concerns to the president directly. “Later we will coordinate with Pak Sarwono (DPD deputy speaker) in order to meet with the president directly”, he said.
The community representatives also provided them with dossiers containing research on a study of the geographic conditions of the Mura area, the impact of a nuclear power plant and the experience of other countries managing nuclear power plants.
[Translated by James Balowski.]
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