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Hamid Usman: Investigators to announce name of new suspect in Munir case

Detik.com - April 5, 2007

Djoko Tjiptono, Jakarta – After "sleeping" for so very long, there has been a new twist the Munir murder case. The team of investigators has promised that within a short time there will be a new suspect.

Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras) coordinator Usman Hamid revealed this to Detik.com on Thursday April 5. "In the latest findings, the teams of investigators has promised that there will be a new suspect in the Munir case", said Hamid.

Hamid added however that he does not hold any big expectations that the promise will actually come true as investigators have repeatedly made promises such as this before.

"Previously they promised that a new suspect would be announced in February. Then it was postponed until March. Now the latest news is that they will announce the new suspect soon. Hopefully it is true", said Hamid. (djo/sss)

[Translated by James Balowski.]

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