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An open letter to Australian Prime Minister, Tony Abbott
Timor Sea Justice Campaign (TSJC) - January 21, 2014
Dear Prime Minister Tony Abbott
As concerned Australians that believe in 'a fair go' we call on you to settle the dispute over oil and gas resources in the Timor Sea.
Australia did the right thing in 1999 when it led the peacekeeping mission after East Timor's historic vote for independence and we can all be proud of the help many Australians have provided East Timor over the years.
However, the legacy of goodwill and mateship between Australia and East Timor is being undermined by the failure of successive Australian governments to establish permanent maritime boundaries with East Timor, and by Australia's approach to disputed oil and gas resources in the Timor Sea.
For the people of East Timor, this issue is a matter of national sovereignty. It is also about East Timor escaping poverty and aid dependence through access to billions of dollars of revenue from oil and gas resources that it is entitled to under international law.
For us, as Australians, this issue is about treating a close neighbour and friend with respect, and it is about showing respect for international law. It is not about charity. It is not about helping East Timor out. It is about giving East Timor what is it legally entitled to – no more, no less.
As Prime Minister, you can fix this problem.
We call on you to sit down in good faith with the Prime Minister of East Timor, Xanana Gusmao, and enter discussions about the establishment of permanent maritime boundaries in accordance with current international law.
In situations such as this, current international law overwhelmingly favors a 'median line' solution - a line halfway between the two coastlines. This would mean that if oil and gas fields are located closer to East Timor they would belong to East Timor, and if fields were closer to Australia they would belong to us. Simple and fair.
If an equitable solution cannot be reached via negotiations, we believe Australia should accept the decision of an independent arbitrator who could settle the issue in accordance with international law.
Accordingly, we also call on you to resubmit Australia to the maritime boundary jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice and the International Tribunal of the Law of the Sea. This will also demonstrate that Australia is willing to act in good faith and will help affirm Australia as a nation committed to a rules-based order and to being a good global citizen.
It is time to draw the line and ensure that both East Timor and Australia can benefit from the natural resources they are legally entitled to in the Timor Sea.
Signed by,
Tom Clarke on behalf of the Timor Sea Justice Campaign.
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