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Message to AKSI from Xanana Gusmao

To Comrade Max Lane, Coordinator AKSI - Australia

Struggle greetings and the warmest of greetings from me, my fellow East Timorese political prisoners, and the guerillas of FALINTIL to you and all those gathered in AKSI.

We pass on our highest regards for the program and activities of AKSI.

The public meeting `Freedom for East Timor! Freedom in the Asia Pacific!' will contribute further to stimulating public opinion in the Asia PAcific and international public opinion and indicate its concern regarding the brutality, injustice, lack of freedom and genocide that is being experienced by the Maubere people and other peoples of the region.

I hope the public meeting adds to the success of past activities and takes us closer to what we all hope for.

Cipinang prison - Jakarta, July 2, 1995 Your Comrade Xanana Gusmao Commander of FALINTIL

Two members of AKSI, Jo Brown and Max Lane, spoke at the Freedom for East Timor! Freedom in the Asia Pacific' public meeting on March 7, 1995 along with Nunu Santos from Dili, East Timor, Ria Shanti from SPRIM and Renato Constantino Jr. from the Asia Pacific Coalition on East Timor

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